View Full Version : When i start to feel better

06-16-2012, 01:43 PM
Every time I start to feel a little better I start thinking I'm on the upside of things and suddenly it hits me ten times worse!! Why??? Of course I'm in the middle of a panic attack now and feel completely trapped!! I feel like my throat is closing and I can't breath! Ugh! What a terrible way to live. When I do start to feel better and think I'm improving and feel like I can get a grip on it I lose it. I just want power of my mind and body back!! I hate medicine bc they've all made it worse and I can't do Valium or the like bc I have a 3 year old baby to take care of. I suffer and she suffers bc her momma can't just be normal. I'm so lost.... And sinking.

06-16-2012, 01:51 PM
This happens to me all the time. It really sucks when that happens. I have medication but half the time I'm too afraid to take it anyway. I'm not sure how to fix that but you can always come on here and talk about it and maybe preoccupy your mind with conversation!

06-16-2012, 02:12 PM
That's what I try to do! I just let my mind take over! I'm itchy all over and I know it's bc that's what I'm thinking about! Will there ever be relief??

06-16-2012, 02:16 PM
Im not sure myself. I have been having panic attacks since i was 17 so about 4 years ago. I have been looking but I dont know what works and what doesn't. I was having a really bad morning until i came on here and posted and surprisingly I feel a little better. I think that just knowing that i asked people who are dealing with the same things i am are reading and taking there time to respond helps a little. But when i get my panic attacks i get bad twitches. its scary D:

06-16-2012, 07:18 PM
I completely close myself off from everything and everybody. By the time I got home I was in complete panic mode and seriously considered calling the ambulance. I've done that before... Totally embarrassing but I felt better. I'm only 25 and I can't live the next 50 years like this. I used to enjoy traveling, working out, going out with friends. I don't do that anymore. I stay home. I never leave about a 20 miles radius of my house. It's sad.