View Full Version : Stress makes ​​anxious, stomach ache, and fart HELP ASAP

Jasa P
06-16-2012, 11:20 AM
Hi, I have problems that doctors can't explain them.
I got these symptoms about 1 year ago:
Being in crowd or at any special time makes
1. My heart beats faster
2. I become panic and start thinking "Will this happen again?"
3. I can't find a good position to sit, makes me always change the positions
4. I lose concentration
5. Makes a stomach ache
6. Makes me want to fart
7. Sometimes I don't fart, it's like I push my stomach and my body on the seat and musty smell comes out

At first time, I thought it was just my feelings and it wouldn't happen again. But after that time, I couldn't sleep and started thinking about it. Now, I still feel the symptoms.

I've tried to go to physician specialist in internal medicine and he said no problem.

I went to psychiatrist and he gave me some advices. But, it doesn't work.
It makes me depressed and afraid to go out. I'm afraid of disturbing others because my problems.

Please help me, I really need someone to help me, because it makes me frustrated.
Any help would be great
Sorry for my poor English, thanks a lot



06-17-2012, 09:38 AM

(Sorry - this is hilarious)

06-17-2012, 04:57 PM
Those are encouraging words! ^^^^

06-19-2012, 08:07 PM

(Sorry - this is hilarious)

Second warning for insensitive replies given.

Keep on topic please.

06-19-2012, 08:11 PM
Hi, I have problems that doctors can't explain them.
I got these symptoms about 1 year ago:
Being in crowd or at any special time makes
1. My heart beats faster
2. I become panic and start thinking "Will this happen again?"
3. I can't find a good position to sit, makes me always change the positions
4. I lose concentration
5. Makes a stomach ache
6. Makes me want to fart
7. Sometimes I don't fart, it's like I push my stomach and my body on the seat and musty smell comes out

At first time, I thought it was just my feelings and it wouldn't happen again. But after that time, I couldn't sleep and started thinking about it. Now, I still feel the symptoms.

I've tried to go to physician specialist in internal medicine and he said no problem.

I went to psychiatrist and he gave me some advices. But, it doesn't work.
It makes me depressed and afraid to go out. I'm afraid of disturbing others because my problems.

Please help me, I really need someone to help me, because it makes me frustrated.
Any help would be great
Sorry for my poor English, thanks a lot



What your saying isnt at all uncommon. It seems like being in a crowd stresses you out so you start to panic, then you start to worry about it happening again so you focus on it even more which further increases the problem. Then when you start worrying you subconsciously breathe faster and swallow more air which ends up in your digestive system. Its harmless but uncomfortable, it gives you stomach aches and increases the need to fart. Its completely natural for people that are stressed. Hope that helps!

Robert James Croft
06-20-2012, 02:49 AM
Hey that s very normal farting and going to the toilet all the time is very normal. I think i fart more then talk sometimes don t worry about it. You prob suffer social anxiety where your hands sweat heart races . Thoughts race . Feel the urge to go to the toilet feel faint and dizzy. I remember when i was little i used to hate walking past groups of people. I would hold my breath like until i got past them all anxiety symptoms would come. Its all about negativity. Instead of what if i fart think oh well whats the harm it can do . Hope this helps rob x

11-09-2012, 04:55 PM
hello have you find out what happening to you. because i' am going threw the same thing.