View Full Version : Living with Anxiety

01-31-2007, 12:28 PM
:cry: Well i have had Bipolar & anxiety from the age of 17 i am now 27 and this time it started around Nov and i havent been able to snap out of it.I get year where i dont have any problems but this time its very bad.I started getting panic attacks when i when out to meet a few people,and i thought well so what i get these sometimes they will go away and ill be fine,but the night i had a very sharp pain in my heart so i went to the hospital they did a stress test ect and i had to stay the night.The next day i felt fine and was very happy because i was back to feeling normal.A month goes by and bam out of the blue i feel really out of it<zoned out>is what i call it.I thought oh shit here it come and yes from the time on my systems havent gone away and they seem to be getting worse.It seems when i start managing a system i get a new ones.heres a list from starting system till now.Panic attacks,scard of going crazy and dieing,numbness in face,shaking in hands,stary blured vision &double, diaera cold chills and constant worry.hehe yeah that seems like a lot and it is.Well to say it hasnt been fun ive been to the hospital about 10-15 times with nothing wrong every time i go,but its always i new system almost everyday and it freaks me out.I take Lorazepam now 3mg as needed but i try to just keep it at 2mg.I used to take depokate but no Docs will give it to me because of my liver levels were up.Well im writing this post because i need help dealing with this my systems now are zoned out starty blured vision double vision and cooled chills.Does anyone else get these systems and does anyone else recover from them.I think thats my problem is i can feel good for many years and then when i get this stuff back i have forgoten how to deal with it and i worry it wont go away.Well going to go eat sorry my post is so long i needed to vent :tongue: Hope my spelling was to bad

02-01-2007, 09:06 AM
Welcome to the board.

Just take it one day at a time and try not to worry too much, we all get our bad spells. :)


02-01-2007, 09:06 AM
Welcome to the board.

Just take it one day at a time and try not to worry too much, we all get our bad spells. :)
