View Full Version : Doctors always blame Anxiety

Shaun B
06-16-2012, 02:58 AM
Why is it when you have been treated for or diagnosed with anxiety you never get taken seriously anymore. As soon as that is on your notes anxiety gets blamed for everything. Don't get me wrong allot of our symptoms are anxiety most of the time but people with anxiety do get ill. As soon as that is on your file you have to push for everything because the doctors don't want to send you for testing because they always think its in our heads. I had to go back 3 times just so they would take some bloods. Is it just me this is happening too or common. I live in England and every doctor I have had here seems to be like that. Because of costs of referrals and that the doctors just take the easy option and blame anxiety.

06-16-2012, 03:38 AM
I can't relate with any physical concerns, but when I've got a genuine problem or worry people just tell me it's my anxiety, even though I know it's a realistic problem because I can tell the difference between my irrational worries and my rational ones. We are just shoved aside hey it's almost like people cared more when not even we knew what was wrong with us!

06-16-2012, 03:39 AM
Possibly push your concerns and insist that you get the treatment your after,?

Shaun B
06-16-2012, 04:22 AM
I no GadGal the only way to get things done is push and fight. Perfect example of how anxiety people are treated different. A lady I work with complained of leg pain and an ache and I had very similar things with me she was I'm for a scan two weeks later and bloods the lot I went to my doctor told its probably ciatica here is some pills see you later. I sujested further investigation and he ignored my concerns I give up.

06-16-2012, 04:48 AM
Hi Shaun,
Unfortunately when it comes to doctors they will only send you for further tests if they feel it's necessary, not just to put people's minds at ease. If a doctor feels anything is out of the ordinary then he will send you for further testing. The lady you mentioned may have had other factors invovled- perhaps she was diabetic or on medication that put her at risk for DVT, who knows but the doctor would have had good reason for sending her for further tests. How often do you see in the news or hear about people dying from things doctor's thought were just caused by anxiety? I am sure the whole "boy who cried wolf" thing has happened but very very rarely. Learn to trust in your doctors and when they refuse further tests ask them to explain exactly why they feel they are not necessary and this may put your mind at ease. Or if you do not like your doctor why not go to a different one? Or is there anyway you could go private? That way you could get all the tests in the world done if you feel it would help.
Are you in therapy for your health anxiety? That can be very beneficial and may help you get over being convinced you need blood tests etc.
B x

06-16-2012, 04:51 AM
Don't give up, because of your anxiety I assume you already feel worthless sometimes as it is, and your concerns being rejected by a professional will not help with your anxiety. Yeah definatley push it next time you visit a doctor with a genuine complaint make it clear that this needs to be looked into and if that doctor can't do it for you then you will go to another doctor who will. Because of course people with anxiety experience physical problems just because we are anxious does not give us immunity to legit problems .

Shaun B
06-16-2012, 05:24 AM
I agree with you Buttercup in lots you say I don't expect just to be sent for a scan just to set my mind at rest so please don't misunderstand me. I was thinking D V T when I went to docs he had a 20sec look at my legs he had a quick feel of my pulse in foot. I told him one foot was colder and more purple and could not sleep and had leg ache and so on. On the DVT check list it was worth at least the d-dimmer blood test In my opinion. If you had set the stopwatch I kid you not 3mins and out the person in the waiting room I new could not believe how quick it was. Ok I am in my 30's slender build so was not in the high risk group but this leg discomfort was not a normal anxiety thing for me. I certainly don't recommend scan and test for the sake of it but give me a chance and actually listen and reassure he did not listen to me the examination was seconds he said nothing turned to computer printed off a prescription for an anti inflammatory and said probably sciatica . I pay my tax I pay my national insurance I treat other people with respect and all I expect is the same. As I said before anxiety suffers do get ill it's not always anxiety.

06-16-2012, 09:10 AM
I understand. Anxiety sufferers do get sick. But, I think doctors think anxiety sufferers are overly paranoid so they just pass everything off especially if you are at the ER or doctor's office with a new problem constantly. Another thing I hate is when they say you are too young to have a sickness or disease which makes no sense since young people get sick too.

06-16-2012, 04:02 PM
In modern medicine, they don't know how to treat weird things, they only treat diseases. Then they attack the symptoms without looking for the root. Only by natural means can you get to the root cause.