View Full Version : Determined.

06-16-2012, 02:32 AM
I've had anxiety most of my life. Some years good some bad. This is a bad year. Almost could say its my peak of anxiety.
I never sought out help until this year. Tried counseling and now have resorted to medicine. I have been on cymbalta 30mg for two weeks. Had shitfull side effects which have resided now.

I have fears and phobias:
Throwing up in public.
Loosing controll in public. Or even around my bf.
Getting an illness. ( I constantly think something is wrong with me)

They have stopped me doing things, going places and has put a strain on my relationship.
Especially my relationship. He always wants to do things like movies or dinner but I get so nervous. He gets sick of always hanging at home watching tv.
The thing is, I like going out and doing things. But with him I get extra scared and the phobias and fears haunt me and give me symtoms of nausea ect. I do go out with my girlfriends and family though and I don't get as nervous.

So where I'm at:
I've asked my boyfriend for some space to get myself right. Well at least on the right track.

I really lack exercise and would like to work on doing alot.
Also working on my diet, because I heard that helps.
Working on my workplace ( I own a salon) and start to get comfortable and somehow reduce anxiety there.

It's a shame because I'm really social. And confident. But I'm kept back by my mind.
And I'm scared im going to feel like this forever.
And loose my bf.
But I am determined to get through this and I welcome any thoughts and tips anyone has. Even if it's negative, or if anyone is going through the same.