View Full Version : Its back

06-16-2012, 12:36 AM
Have not been anxious in years, but I have had panic/ anxiety since I was 16 so for 16 years I have been through the ringer and back and straightened myself out and learned to manage it all and finally rid myself of all of the awfulness with mind over matter. Last Tuesday I woke up with pins and needles from my shoulder to my finger tips ( left side) I have 3 kids 3 mos, 20 mos, and 7 so I went on about my day but after I got them all in bed I decided to take a trip to the ER wondering if I could get help for my " pinched nerve" I was feeling absolutely normal except for the arm problem... When I arrived the immediately threw me on an EKG which was a bit unnerving but done quickly and then the threw me right onto a ct of my head! Instant anxiety! Everything was fine so I was sent home with them calling it all "anxiety" but I wasn't anxious until I got thrown on different machines and wired to machines, I was there for a "pinched nerve". The next day the tingle was still there but I felt fine... I had my husband rub my back that night and suddenly my left shoulder blade was in pain, my chest was in pain, all of the classic symptoms of heart problems. I rushed again to the ER who again put me on an EKG and a chest x ray and ct of my neck which showed muscle spasms. The doctor made me do a breathing treatment for my chest which did not work so she prescribed me Xanax, a muscle relaxer and ibuprophin 800 mg. I have a severe fear of meds and I felt like they were brushing me off as a "panic attack/hypochondriac case" I never go to docs for fear of medicine ( I feel they dispence it too freely) and fear of something being wrong. The next day I went to my fp who put her hands on my shoulders and made me stand straight, she said "look at my hands" I was a full 4-5 inches lower on my right than my left! She adjusted me and popped my hip back in and said I had a rib out of place and ordered a stress test for piece of mind... Well I went to the cardiologist who was nothing short of a very unsocial uncaring meany who answered no questions to ease my fears... He literally left the room in the middle of my sentence and then the nurse cane in and said we were doing a stress test and a ECG. I got anxious again because abbreviated medical words scare me so I did the stress test without problem and of course the tech was impersonal and answered no question and then they made me an appointment for my ECG. The next day I went back to my fp who drew blood for a complete workup and assured me it was anxiety and not my heart... But how can this all be anxiety when I was not anxious until after I went to the doc??? And my anxiety is not my normal anxiety that u can deal with, it us my back, my stomach, my arm, my jaw, my teeth, my head, all physical problems but I don't feel anxious or depressed, except waiting for results which of course has me the anxious that I know which is on top of the anxious I am not familiar with kicking my butt! I was prescribed paxil by my fp but she said I would be tired and feel yucky for awhile before it worked, I can't do that because I have kids... I haven't eaten in days for fear that if it was my heart I font want to clog my arteries with anything else, I want to cry but can't. I have been drinking about 2 gallons of water a day which you would think would make me pee like a maniac but I don't so then I think it's a kidney or bladder problem so it must be lupus! I am nutso right now! I know how irrational I am but can't shake it! I want to take a Xanax but my husband works at 5am and I have to make sure I can get up with the kids and after taking it before when my dad died I know it knocks me down... Anyone else have these kind of body aching chest pain symptoms? Make me feel less crazy! I did get my husband to give me an oil massage tonight which eased my back tension and my chest pain seems to be gone, maybe I do have just twisted nerves?