View Full Version : Feeling lousy....

06-15-2012, 03:10 PM
So the past few days have been good. I've felt almost normal... today though, my husband spent the day looking for jobs. He's going to be losing his insurance now, and I'm anxious over that. We WON'T be able to afford insurance if we have to pay for it ourselves, and I'm afraid... I really need to keep going to my therapist. I had so much hope after talking to her!

Ugh... just trying to get these frustrations out. I feel ill.

06-15-2012, 06:14 PM
I sympathize with u. I was there b4. I got on welfare because I needed to have therapy and meds. Can u do anything like that? I'm sorry ur feeling so crappy. I am as well but it's nice to have each other to fall back on for understanding huh? :)

06-15-2012, 06:21 PM
I sympathize with u. I was there b4. I got on welfare because I needed to have therapy and meds. Can u do anything like that? I'm sorry ur feeling so crappy. I am as well but it's nice to have each other to fall back on for understanding huh? :)

It is, and thanks so much for replying. This was just a lousy time for my panic disorder to decide to rear it's ugly head again. I don't know if I can get on welfare....but I might be able to go to the local health dept. My husband has his insurance until the end of the month, and I will be seeing my pdoc on the 26th. I'm going to explain the situation to her and HOPEFULLY since I'm currently on zoloft and doing ok (Now that my side effects have mostly subsided) she'll just get me a refill set up until we can figure out job situation. I'm STILL waiting for zoloft to kick in though! <crosses her fingers>

06-15-2012, 06:26 PM
Ur welcome :). Have u tried any benzodiazepine? And I was there b4. I got luck enough to have my dr call in a 6 month refill on my Xanax and I only had to see him once a year. Some drs will really sympathize with u, let's hope urs does!

I have never been able to take Zoloft or any other ssri drugs. I hope it works for u!!!! Crossing fingers!!!

06-15-2012, 07:32 PM
Ur welcome :). Have u tried any benzodiazepine? And I was there b4. I got luck enough to have my dr call in a 6 month refill on my Xanax and I only had to see him once a year. Some drs will really sympathize with u, let's hope urs does!

I have never been able to take Zoloft or any other ssri drugs. I hope it works for u!!!! Crossing fingers!!!

I was on zoloft about 4 years ago. Took it for 6 months with pretty decent results. I have lorazepam that I take as needed, but I HATE the way I feel on it. If I could even just get a few months worth of refills... the job my husband is currently looking at won't have insurance benefits... so... BOOOO... but work is work and can't complain TOO much if it let's us keep living. :)