View Full Version : Help me please please

06-15-2012, 07:19 AM
I am so sad please someone help me Please nobody understands help my boyfriend is telling me right now I'm stupid and I think he is about to get violent I want to kill myself please

06-15-2012, 07:44 AM
Hello, have you seen a doctor about your symptoms? If your boyfriend is also a source of your stresses I suggest you move out if you have somewhere else to go because this is affecting your relationship. Go to a friend's or a close sibling or your parents even if you're on good terms with them. You need someone who can empathize with you now. If you need to go to the ER so you can be given something to calm you down. Call 911 if you have to.
I pray everything works out for you...

06-15-2012, 11:51 AM
Jeez... I came to this forum to converse on anxiety, not to read LIVE, violent crimes.

This could of course be some kinda sick joke.

I mean, who the hell is gonna turn to a web forum on anxiety for help when faced with a domestic?


06-15-2012, 02:59 PM
I think that is a bit unfair Dazza. This forum is for everyone and anyone to use and people come here for support and help not judgement. The OP may have nowhere else to turn and is clearly reaching out and looking for advice.

Confined, please get out of the house if you feel that you are in any danger at all. You are not stupid for feeling the way you are and if you feel you may harm yourself as well then get to the ER. There is hope and light at the end of tunnel, you just need to reach out to professionals for the help. Are you on meds or in therapy at the moment?

B x