View Full Version : Has anyone ever passed out from anxiety?

06-14-2012, 09:25 PM
O my fear is passing out. While I'm shopping or driving. I fear I will pass out from my symptoms and fall on the floor or crash. Has anyone ever felt this way or has it actually happened or is it true that the adrenalin rush will not allow u to actually pass out?

06-14-2012, 09:35 PM
I was driving to work and had a stress induced vagal reaction. I became lightheaded, hot and very nervous. I was able to pull over and thought I was dying. The ER Dr said, if I passed out. This episode only keeps you out for a few seconds. A few seconds is enough! Lol. This reaction is caused by your body sending blood to organs other than the brain, causing you to faint

06-14-2012, 09:38 PM
Ive passed out one time from hyperventilation. If you have ever gone numb in your arms and lega and felt your lips tingle/go numb you were on the vurge of passing out. Panic attacks can make you breathe too fast and get too much oxygen which causes uto pass out. Its no problem because once you do faint your body automatically corrects your breathing and you wake back up.

A way to prevent passing out during a panic attack is to breathe into a paperbag it makes you breathe in co2 so you dont get too much oxygen. I always have one in my car and ive never had to use it. Its just nice to have for security.

To the person above i had a vagal response once when i was getting read the results of blood work at the dr lol it sucks i got hot, nauseous and fuzzy. Then broke out in a cold sweat when it started to pass. It was weird!! Props for pulling off the road. Thats what anyone should do when they start to feel

06-14-2012, 09:52 PM
I sometimes pass out when I am anxious. This typically doesn't happen though. Mostly you just feel like you're going to pass out but only some people actually do. I haven't had a complete blackout in many years but a month ago I came pretty close. I get very warm, panicky, and I can't think straight. Because of my spells, my anxiety revolves around my fear of passing out again. Anyways, most people don't have this reaction. If you do feel like you're going to pass out while driving though I would def suggest pulling over so nothing dangerous happens. If you can, lie down and elevate your legs and breath slowly and calmly. This really really helps, you'll feel better after a few minutes.

06-14-2012, 10:04 PM
Awe man!!! Lol I was hoping to hear that it's all mental and doesn't happen. :( I hate living like this. It's like if I'm home all day I'm fine but the minute I go out I feel light headed and I get jello legs. I get this weird rush to my head like a head rush or something and I get the racing heart and I tense up. Been going on for years and have never passed out. Just a fear. I hate this. How do I get it to stop? Therapy has never worked for me

06-14-2012, 10:05 PM
I used to fear passing out too but, after nearly 30 years of dealing with panic attacks and not passing out even once, I don't fear them anymore.
There have been many, many times that I thought I was going to pass out but, it never happened. I've heard that a person can hyperventilate to the point that they pass out but, I've never known anyone to do it.
When I'm starting to hyperventilate, I somehow seem to remember to begin taking slow deep breaths and then the hyperventilating subsides.
I just breath in to the count of 5 seconds, hold my breath for 5 second and then let my breath out for 5 seconds. The counting helps too.
It's amazing how our body can do such a good job of taking care of itself.
When I was nervous of passing out, I would keep a small paper bag in my purse "just in case".

06-14-2012, 10:11 PM
I never hyperventilate. It's been years since that has happened. I panic without the heavy breathing and chest discomfort. Is that weird.

06-15-2012, 12:00 AM
I never hyperventilate. It's been years since that has happened. I panic without the heavy breathing and chest discomfort. Is that weird.

If you dont breathe heavy then you wont faint :) thats great for you that you dont. So no worries there. Its not weird. Ive had panic attacks where i never hyperventilated. I also rarely get that common "ball stuck in throat" feeling that most people get. Everyones symptoms vary

06-15-2012, 01:26 AM
If you haven't passed out from your anxiety yet, you're not going to :) It's rare for people to actually pass out from it. Like the above poster said, symptoms vary but you should be fine.

06-15-2012, 07:34 AM
That's just it. I think this anxiety has a hold of my brain do tight. I never passed out but there have been times it's been so bad that I actually had to sit down while I was in public talking to someone at the counter. So embarrassing. The thin is I know it's me dpi it to myself but I can't stop. It's like As soon as I try and think positive the anxiety laughs at me and slaps me in the face. I feel like I have something in me controlling me and I hate it!

06-15-2012, 11:13 PM
I have only passed out once - from extreme hyperventilation. It was a drug induced panic attack, the most severe attack I have ever had. I was talking to my partner on the phone and passing in and out of consciousness as he was coaching me through breathing. I ended up in the ER that time.

I am of the mindset that as long as I never do drugs again, this severe kind of anxiety attack can be avoided.

Please take into account that you on a forum with a lot of severe anxiety/panic attack sufferers. I know a number of people who have had experience with panic attacks in real life and not one of them has ever passed out from an attack.

It is a very unlikely situation.