View Full Version : The worst case of anxiety today!!!!

06-14-2012, 06:58 PM
I finally gave in and I am taking zoloft but, I took one at work and OMG!!!! My heart was racing, I feel nauseated, I feel like I am out of my mind. I take Klonopin too but that does not help anymore. I feel scared right now. I feel so alone and emotional. I am drained from the racing heart beats. I am so tired of this feeling. I have no appetite. I lost about 10 pounds from my heart doing cardio on its on. I am tired of this. I cry, I need to keep crying until I get it out of me.

06-14-2012, 07:52 PM
Like myself, you've probably cried a river. Today was a good day for me. Shed some tears. Even cried over a casual eating lunch with my mother. My anxiety was heightened cause I could not relax and I was trying really hard to do so.

After lunch went outside to help my mother plant fruit veggies and beans in her garden. Took my mind off of the usual negative racing thoughts I have.

Smile because even though it was tough you made it through the day. Awesome!

I'm thankful my appetite is returning after eating very little over the past two weeks or so. Next hurdle. Getting some restful sleep. Durn insomnia!

Hugs to you!

06-15-2012, 12:09 AM
hw long have you been on the zoloft? my friend was on this one and was a mess for a few weeks, It was the first one they tried me on and I last 3 days-it sent me crazy and anxiety increased 10 fold.....hope your better soon its not a nice feeling I know:(

06-15-2012, 12:22 AM
I'm sorry, hugs from SF. Zoloft is rough at first when taken for anxiety. Sometimes people who take it for depression kind of like the speedy effect. It wears off, don't worry, and so do the nausea and other GI side-effects. And there's lots of alternatives if Zoloft doesn't work out, but take it one day at a time, a lot of people get relief from Zoloft.