View Full Version : Fear of doctor

06-14-2012, 05:48 PM
Hello! I have a fear of going to the doctor for fear that they will tell me I have cancer. The fear is so strong that I avoid doctors. Any suggestions to overcome this would be great :) I would like to go to the doctor without feeling like I am going to my death sentence :/ Thanx

06-26-2012, 03:02 PM
I used to have this fear too. I was convinced I had cancer and was deathly afraid of aids. Finally my anxiety got bad enough that I went to the dr. He ran several tests on me and said nothing was wrong. It's actually a relief to Find out for sure whether or not something is actually wrong. The best thing you can do is face your fear and go. Ask them to do a complete blood panel on you and tell them your concerns. You most likely do not have cancer , but If you did for some reason you did- the sooner you treat cancer the better your odds are of beating it! <3

06-27-2012, 12:10 PM
You need to find ways to rid you of your fear of cancer. There are studies stating a raw vegan diet paired with exercise can completely cure cancer. It is absolutely amazing. Also, it does wonders for heart disease. Watch a movie titled "Forks Over Knives". It is life changing. It might help you fear the big C far less.

06-27-2012, 10:39 PM
I have this fear also. Im dealing with that fear this very moment. Lost both my parents because of it. But I'm finding (well struggling to find) that going to the doctor does help alleviate fears. Just have to trust them (which I'm also struggling with but working on). It's very scary. I mean, I cry my eyes out whenever I go to the doctor. But, it helps. Try bringing someone with you and make a day of it. Do something non fear inducing afterwards. And this recent bout of fear has taught me to take better care of myself. Im actively trying to eat better etc. Use the fear for good. I guess I'll try the same thing.