View Full Version : Natural Herbs for Anxiety

06-14-2012, 01:25 PM
Anyone have experience with natural herbs for anxiety? Last time I brought up natural herbs to my Dr he said they don't work and then offered me a prescription for Lexapro. Not for me.

06-14-2012, 04:18 PM
Anyone have experience with natural herbs for anxiety? Last time I brought up natural herbs to my Dr he said they don't work and then offered me a prescription for Lexapro. Not for me.

Well, I did try a B12 vitamin but it made my anxiety worse. I would suggest going to a vitamin store and asking them about it. I am going to go back soon and try something else.

06-14-2012, 04:43 PM
here's a link to a thread here about rescue remedy:

and one on amino acids and magnesium:

Hope these help x

06-15-2012, 01:31 AM
My doctor laughed when I brought up herbs too and told me to take Zoloft daily and klonopin twice a day. I got hooked on Klonopins, then didn't listen to his advise, took lots of herbs, and did many other things laughed at by doctors, and now I am Panic Free forever! Doctors do not know how to cure anxiety in my opinion.

I suggest Rescue Remedy spray for acute panic attacks, Eastern Essentials Calm and RElaxed Formula for true deep healing, http://www.easternessentials.com/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/, Magnesium Taurate or Magnesium Glycinate, No B Vitamins and No Calcium, Chamomile tea with some raw honey like its going out of style, yoga 2-4 times a week for starters.

06-15-2012, 07:52 AM
I have not tried yoga but I'm wary I won't be able to do the poses :( Is there a form of yoga that's tailored for the "inflexible"? Aside from Rescue Remedy, what other natural remedies do you suggest? My MD prescribed Paxil 10mg daily & I am due to see a therapist on Monday. Will it be alright to start the natural remedies on top of my Paxil?

06-15-2012, 08:00 AM
Thanks for the pointers, folks. I was taking valerian root for a month or so, and was feeling pretty good! However, I read that you shouldn't take it for more than 3 weeks straight, which, sort of threw me off a bit. I stopped taking it.

06-15-2012, 10:08 AM
Try Valerian Root, Skull Cap, Kava Kava, Melatonin, Chammomile teas and Hops Extract. I found Picamilon on Amazon and it helps calm me. Alankay.

06-15-2012, 12:38 PM
Try Valerian Root, Skull Cap, Kava Kava, Melatonin, Chammomile teas and Hops Extract. I found Picamilon on Amazon and it helps calm me. Alankay.

Thanks for the suggestions. I've tried Valerian Root, quite frankly...it worked. However everywhere I look online it says to not use for more than 3 weeks at once.

06-15-2012, 01:31 PM
If you are not on any medication or bipolar try following supplements that has helped me a lot and found out its safe to take since I had panic attack while driving

Brand doctors best L theanine calms mind ( for mental anxiety )
300 mg helps me
Avoid caffeinated drink that increase anxiety

Brand solaray Inositol take as tolerated
2 Gm helps me
Inositol for physical symptoms of anxiety

Rescue remedy homeopathic spray
use as needed
Helps calm panic quickly

Inositol has been used in clinical trial for OCD panic anxiety depression
L theanine has been suggested by one of the doctor in dr oz show

Still lot to accomplish but These all has helped me tremendously

Just recently found out that One more thing if you slowly build up inositol dose as tolerated it will help for flight and fight response

if it makes you tired build up slowly

Google inositol and l theanine clinical trials

Make sure you are not gluten and lactose intolerant
Gluten and lactose allergy has been linked to mental disorder
Also another thing everybody is different so one works for one might not work for other
Use brand that works for you best

Give enough time to see if supplement is helping
Buy quality supplement from reputable brand

Check safety of every supplement you want to try

Reliable website that I use to buy good supplements with better price

Pureformulas.com ( free shipping all orders and free return )

Make sure do not overdose on supplements
Read lable properly
listing brand I have been using
also all people with anxiety should take other supplements like
Good probiotic ( udos choice )
Enzymes ( help digest food ) ( enzymedica)
Good multivitamin ( rainbow light )
Green powder ( garden of life )
b complex ( if it would not make you anxious some people gets anxious on high dose b complex )
Good whey protein plus do exercise

Good luck everybody
You are not alone in this anxiety fight
Never give up no matter what

Remember in life pain is inevitable but suffering is an optional

Do not follow manipulative anxiety thoughts

Keep yourself busy

Read and watch inspirational video
Think about good times good people
Watch movies that makes you feel good
Avoid violent video games and movies
do meditation
Do relaxation exercise
practice to be in present moment all the time
Mostly we regret past and worry future instead take past as destiny and future as free will

Be brave and have a great future ahead
walk like a king not slave

06-15-2012, 03:05 PM
I am lactose intolerant. Do these contain lactose?

06-15-2012, 03:49 PM
Most of them are lactose free.
Please check lable before you by it.

Better take lactaid tablet that neutralize lactose sugar that cause symptoms of lactose intolerance. You can find at every health food store.

06-15-2012, 07:04 PM
Yoga is do at your own pace. It isn't a competition. just take a basic yoga class and do as best as you can. The real work is how you feel internally, not what you look like. The people in the class tend to be very positive and it is a real good healing environment. And the hot babes! WOW!