View Full Version : Fed up with living like this

06-14-2012, 08:40 AM
I'm so sick of living like this. House bound. Can't enjoy life. Can't even go food shopping or take my child to a park with rides or anywhere. Lastnight she needed to go to the er and I panicked! I hate my life and don't want to live like this anymore. This is not living... Being attached to my Xanax bottle 24/7 and feeling like I'm gonna pass out everywhere I go. What's life if u can't live?

06-14-2012, 11:24 AM
Have you tried an antidepressant? More long term than xanax, just levels you out and turns down the volume on anxiety.

06-15-2012, 01:44 AM
Stay the course Carly. You can get past this. The Xanax can be hurting you. How often do you take them? Daily? Just follow the tips here. Don't give up. Forwells is trying to get your mind set right. You really do have to get your head right and just be full on motivated. You can do it! Don't go to the darkside dwelling on how your life sucks. Just focus on making it better.