View Full Version : New to forum...seeking support.

06-14-2012, 07:39 AM
Hello. I am a 29 year old female who, in 2010, was formally diagnosed an anxiety disorder (GAD to be exact). With all of the research I have performed, I believe I've had some sort of anxiety since childhood. Although I do acknowledge having experienced relatively traumatic occurences in my life, I too can identify with an amazing life with loving, supportive friends and family. This is part of my dilemma. I feel guilty for being anxious and depressed despite all of the good around me. It totally sucks. After starting a career in post secondary education administration, today I find myself unemployed and worried about what my future holds. I constantly worty about what is happening to me. I am supposedly smart, funny, attractive, creative, a great friend, sister, daughter, etc. but I'm finding that all of this is being stifled by fear. But fear of what? Not too sure. Sometimes I am afraid of myself and the world around me. But why?

I don't mean to get all philosophical but I tend I express myself that way sometimes. I do know however that my anxiety is VERY real and I can recount tons of situations that highlight my disorder. I'm still in the process of accepting that this disorder a part of me. I'm just seeking support from others who can relate. Hearing the stories of others encourage me and show me I'm not alone. At the end of the day, I just want to start enjoying life. Instead of striving to be "normal" I want to refine normal for myself and learn to cope so I can live less affected.

Some of my symptoms:

Occasional panic attacks
Highly emotional/crying spells
Loss of appetite (hate this because I'm a self-proclaimed foodie)
Lack of concentration
Loss of interest
Constant worry about just about everything
Avoidance behaviors
Feelings of detachment
Muscle tension
And so on!!!

There is more to my story just like everyone here. If well all included everything I'm sure this site/app would overload from too much content. Just wanted to reach out in hopes of truly starting to heal and move on.

Thank you for reading.

06-14-2012, 08:37 AM
Hi and welcome!

Sometimes, it helps just to have other people who know what you're going through-I hope you find that here. Everyone I have talked to and dealt with here has been very friendly. I'm sorry to hear you're suffering too, but things will get better and you're not alone. :)

06-14-2012, 11:26 AM
Thank you for your reply.

cat eyes
06-14-2012, 02:14 PM
Hi, I have been suffering with panic attacks and anxiety since February. I been to the er numerous times and sent home saying its anxiety. I see a therapist and a physchiatrist and I am on 5mg of celexa. I still have symptoms and most of all I hate the jittery scared feeling. Now I feel heart flutters and slight left cheek tingling and burning lip and the drs say it's anxiety. WTH!! Help!!

06-14-2012, 05:44 PM
You are normal! I have had anxiety disorder since I was 7. Was officially diagnosed when I was 23. I no longer fear panic attacks though I still get them especially when stressed. I too am in the education field (higher ed). Plz know that this does not mean you are not intelligent. Some ppl suffer for high blood pressure, we suffer from anxiety. Good resource is the anxiety and phobia workbook by Edward Bourne. Welcome!

06-14-2012, 07:59 PM
Jessie 80....thank you so much for sharing. You're awesome. I will definitely check out the resource you recommended.

06-14-2012, 08:09 PM
Hi cat eyes. I understand what you're going through. It's so not fun. Sounds like you are at least trying different methods for treatment. There are so many that its hard to tell which one or five will work. I know its easy to be consumed by scary thoughts and feelings which sometomes makes it hard to do things like read or go on walks. A silent moment of meditation might even trigger anxiety if you are finding it hard to relax.

Just rest assured you are not alone. Occupy your time with something though. Even if you have a moment during your chosen activity it will pass.

You've got this cat eyes!

06-15-2012, 02:18 AM
Welcome :)

06-17-2012, 06:33 AM
Hi & welcome , I to have suffered from childhood , I am now 31 and have GAD & depression , it's a tough & constant battle to live with every day , I COMPLEATLY understand & sympathise with what you are going through .
I didn't realise untill I found this forum just how many others are living with the exact same problems as myself . It does help to know you are not alone .
I have accepted my anxiety as part of me & my life , the depression is a different matter .
Pm me any time if you would like to talk
Jessy xxx