View Full Version : newbie

06-14-2012, 07:11 AM
hi im new to this i've had anxiety attacks for about 3 months ago i'm really not sure why the only thing i can think of the stress at home i live with my parents its a very stressful place to live my first one was horrible i ended up in the ER thinking i was having a heart attack and since then i have had 1 almost everyday i've always kinda worried about having a heart attack but never to this extent but since my first attack all i do now is worry everytime i get a pain in my chest or arm i start to panic

06-14-2012, 09:18 AM
I've experienced same symptoms & had EKG & labs drawn & were normal. I am seeing my primary doctor today & will mention my symptoms. I believe I will need medicine or psychotherapy because these symptoms are debilitating enough that I am off work. I believe my husband's recent heart attack & heart surgery is part of the trigger but with therapy it may not be the only stressor I might have. Go see your doctor & work with them to see what can be done.

06-14-2012, 09:29 AM
yea i have talked to my GP and have had EKG bloodwork and a CT chest scan with contrast all was normal its really hard not to think about it ever since that first one ive been very anxious about it and to make it worse my first GP put me on so many different meds that i had a bad reaction to one of them and now im so scared to take anything

06-14-2012, 08:27 PM
So sorry to hear that. I just saw my MD & he prescribed Paxil for me. I still have to pick it up at my pharmacy. I agree, it's hard because you don't want to experience that feeling again. I also have Lorazepam on hand which I just took because I'm thinking about it again. I have my first therapy session on Monday so I hope & pray that it helps with the meds. I do pray everything works out for you...