View Full Version : Anyone???

06-13-2012, 09:14 AM
having really bad diarrhea and my stomachs been feeling upset.. I been feeling real weak and tired . Can anxiety cause this? I haven't had and attack but I've been stressed bad..please anyone? I'm really scared I don't wanna go to the er :(

06-13-2012, 10:27 AM
Can anyone?

06-13-2012, 10:41 AM
Historically when someone is stressed or concentrating on this, it usually happens. Visiting or calling your Dr. couldn't hurt as with anything.

06-13-2012, 02:48 PM
It can do, lots of stressed folk get stomach upsets. It could also just be a bug you picked up or something you ate. If it doesn't clear up in a few days then see your GP. I have IBS and often get stomach upsets if i don't watch my diet- I avoid greasy foods and take aways, alcohol, too much fizzy juice etc and that really helps.

06-14-2012, 12:28 AM
Yeah anxiety simulates digestive organs to work, it's normal.