View Full Version : Heading back to work next week

06-13-2012, 01:11 AM
Hey guys im heading back to work next week after taking a few months off due to a flare up of extreme anxiety. I feel better overall my sleeping is back to normal im back doing things like driving etc on my own but im still fearful about going back. Seems like my job has like 5 anxiety triggers all wrapped up into one. Im a cashier at a grocery store. Fluorescent lights can trigger me and id be under them for hours. The general idea of feeling "trapped" knowing i HAVE To be at a store for 8 hours away from my safe zone (home) scares me. Standin at a register and not being able to move (i need to pace when im anxious) is another one. Im worried abou it but i know i cant just lay around like im 10 again all day. I need to get back out into the world. I was wondering if anyone who has had to leave work due to anxiety and then gone back to work has any tips theyd be willing to share? Its anticipating it more than anything

06-13-2012, 04:48 AM
I am in the same position as you and have been off for a few months due to anxiety coming back with avengance. My SSRI was increased slightly and I began taking a beat blocker daily as well as seeing a wonderful therapist. I do feel much better and am now able to go to the shops, drive again, etc. But due to financial issues I have to return to work. I am lucky becuase my HR manager has been fantatstic and put me forward for a different position within the company where a vacancy had arisen, the position has less stressful hours and is better suited to me. Thankfully I got the position and will be returning to work in a couple of weeks. But like you I am getting anxious- the thought of being away from my home for 8 hours plus at a time seems really scary and I am already thinking about what will i do if I have a panic attack at work. I also know it will probably be beneficial- as you say, lying around all day for months is not ideal and I also want to have a "normal" life again but the "what if's" are floating around my head at the moment.
This will be the second time I have returned to a job after being off for a few months due to anxiety and last time I coped fine and really surprised myself when i went back to work and I was fine for a few years until my more recent episode.
Did you see a therapist when you were off? Mine gave me tools for coping with anxiety so i will use them if I feel anxious and keep in mind all she said to me so hopefully that will help. I just really hope I don't need to use them and am anxiety free! It's natural to be anxious about returning to work after being off (no matter the reason for the absence) but I think you are probably like me and dreading having a panic attack at work.
Good luck and keep us posted x

06-14-2012, 12:27 AM
Like your username, hope and faith. I would say - patience too. Whatever comes bad to your mind, ignore it. It will go away sooner or later anyways ;)

Serenity 7
06-15-2012, 12:29 PM
im due to go back to work as well.i have been of 6 months.the thought terrifies me.but im gonna go into my work.and hang about.gonna meet my boss and do a walk of my work etc.and then go back on staggered days.i feel the same about being trapped

06-15-2012, 07:28 PM
Get back to work ya lazy git