View Full Version : Worried my anxiety will come back

06-12-2012, 08:02 PM
I've had a clear few days with Normal sleep too. But now I'm awake again panicking at 3am! I'm going on holiday in four weeks time and I'm not looking forward to it as I'm worried I'm gonna be feeling like this. I'm still wondering if it's worth getting counciling or what?

06-13-2012, 12:05 AM
If u think it's going to happen u can always make it happen. That's the issue with anxiety unfortunately. I would keep up with therapy or whatever just so u can maybe learn ways to think differently. I think u going away is going to make u feel better. U should too and it will! Ull be in a change in environment. That always helps me and keeps my mind off I my daily routine of obsessing over if I'm going to have an attack. Just take a few deep breaths and think of the good things that are to come and how much you are going to enjoy going where ur going. It's going to be great! Stay positive!

06-13-2012, 01:03 PM
If u think it's going to happen u can always make it happen. That's the issue with anxiety unfortunately. I would keep up with therapy or whatever just so u can maybe learn ways to think differently. I think u going away is going to make u feel better. U should too and it will! Ull be in a change in environment. That always helps me and keeps my mind off I my daily routine of obsessing over if I'm going to have an attack. Just take a few deep breaths and think of the good things that are to come and how much you are going to enjoy going where ur going. It's going to be great! Stay positive!

Hiya u ok how's u

06-13-2012, 06:25 PM
So what? All you have to do is follow the steps. People, please stop thinking of this as like some horrible thing that will just creep up at any time, and you just live in fear of the panic coming. Like it owns you. You need to own it! Anxiety is not epilepsy. Follow my quick guide. Look at all the people posting how much that simple method has helped them. It is very hard to have a panic attack if you follow that quick guide the first moment you feel it coming on.

You have anxiety and you get panic attacks. This gets better the more you don't feed into it and don't add second fear. So whether you are on vacation or at home or lost in the woods late at night, it's the same problem and it has the same solution.

The more you let the panic just wash over you without adding 2nd fear and without giving it any weight, the less it will happen. Don't run from it, just allow it to wash over you. "Oh haha, there's my body going into fight or flight mode again."

You asked if you ned counseling? A therapist would be a good idea. Why not? The sessions are enjoyable.

Have a great vacation!

06-14-2012, 12:40 AM
So what? All you have to do is follow the steps. People, please stop thinking of this as like some horrible thing that will just creep up at any time, and you just live in fear of the panic coming. Like it owns you. You need to own it! Anxiety is not epilepsy. Follow my quick guide. Look at all the people posting how much that simple method has helped them. It is very hard to have a panic attack if you follow that quick guide the first moment you feel it coming on.

You have anxiety and you get panic attacks. This gets better the more you don't feed into it and don't add second fear. So whether you are on vacation or at home or lost in the woods late at night, it's the same problem and it has the same solution.

The more you let the panic just wash over you without adding 2nd fear and without giving it any weight, the less it will happen. Don't run from it, just allow it to wash over you. "Oh haha, there's my body going into fight or flight mode again."

You asked if you ned counseling? A therapist would be a good idea. Why not? The sessions are enjoyable.

Have a great vacation!

yeah, it will come back if you fear it.