View Full Version : Genetic

06-12-2012, 07:26 PM
So I know I've heard panic and anxiety can be genetic. My mom suffers from panic attacks occasionally, and my younger brother has anxiety like me. It comes, lasts for a few weeks to a few months, with nearly daily panic attacks and then usually it tapers off and we go back to normal.

I was just curious, if there are many of you out there who have family members who suffer from anxiety and panic too.

06-12-2012, 07:33 PM
i do my mother suffers vrom them as well as my little brother , and my oldest sister..now me :/

06-12-2012, 08:25 PM
I think a lot of people who have parents that suffer from anxiety end up with it too but I reckon it's not just to do with genetics but also a learned behaviour. If we are brought up by anxious people then that is the norm to us and as children we mimic our parents behaviour. Another thing is transference- people "transfer" their feelings to others. Like if you spend time with someone who is in a bad mood you can end up feeling crap too so if you spend your childhood with anxious people then you might become that way as well.
My mum was pretty anxious when I was growing up and as a kid I was always with her and ended up never wanting to leave her side. Now I have anxiety as an adult and i still hate being away from my mum! so maybe genetics, maybe not. I guess it's like the whole "nature/nurture" debate.

06-12-2012, 08:54 PM
This really saddens me because I don't want my kids growing up like me...my daughter already showing signs of anxiety:( hate myself for this:{

06-12-2012, 10:35 PM
I have suffered with anxiety for about 2-3 years, I have only discovered in the past year both my father and grandmother (on his side) suffered panic attacks and anxiety,I have not lived with my father since I was 6 (only on off) my sister suffers severe anxiety also and she has never lived with our dad, my son who is 12 does suffer a little but I took him to hypnosis as soon as I saw this and he's been great since, I try to not talk about my anxiety around my kids but they still need to know why I can't so some things. Looking at my family history genetics is playing a big part. There are so many children with anxiety and as a sufferer I feel better equipped to deal with my sons,a lot of people do not get treatment which will make it hard later in life for them:(