View Full Version : Ok plz someone talk to me

06-11-2012, 05:54 PM
Even having back to back anxiety last 2 days. Now there is a storm coming our way. I know it's gna sound dumb but I have always been terrified of storms. I have been through many tornadoes n it jus plain freaks me out. I know I need to ge over it n I don't freak when I'm not alone. Unfortunately all my friends r to busy to come over here with me. My symptoms r getting worse. Plz someone talk to me n keep my mind off of this.

06-11-2012, 06:06 PM
It doesn't sound dumb at all. Storms are scary and it's natural to be fearful of extreme weather conditions- they are outwith our control and can have devastating effects. So it's natural for you to be feeling anxious. I think the main problem is that you are scared of your anxiety symptoms and feel like you can't control them- again, that is natural as anxiety is a frightening thing.
Is there anything you can do to distract yourself? Watch tv, listen to music, play a video game, phone your friends, talk to a family member, lie down and meditate, bake a cake. Anything so you are not focusing on your anxiety.
B x

06-11-2012, 06:19 PM
Yes I'm watching secret life n about to face my fear n go pic up a friend while it's storming.

06-11-2012, 08:35 PM
Oh, I understand your anxiety! This is one that bothers me every Spring. One that has helped me, is being prepared. In the Spring, for tornado season, I have a bag packed and ready to grab in case my family needs to take shelter.

As for normal thunderstorms--Buttercup said it best, imo. I always just find ways to distract myself, and I know in time, the storm will pass.