View Full Version : Please tell me if this sounds like anxiety

06-11-2012, 05:03 PM
About four months ago I started having events where I would have a little difficulty breathing. I would clear my throat, and then I would get this weird feeling creeping up on me. My jaw and lower face would go partially numb, then I would get pressure in my head and a very warm feeling in my head. My blood pressure and pulse would also rise.

Since then, I have gone to at least 6 different doctors and had about $40K worth of doctor bills. Everyone says I am in good shape. Nothing wrong with my heart. CAT scans and MRIs are clear.

Sometimes I kind of get a feeling like my heart jumps a couple of times.

Does all this this sound like anxiety or something else?

Thanks for your help!

06-11-2012, 05:22 PM
Since all tests are clear and you are healthy then yes, it sounds like anxiety.
Anxiety causes very real and scary symptoms- heart palpitations, feeling like something is stuck in your throat, shortness of breath/trouble breathing, numbness, sore and tingling head/face, increased heart rate and BP are just a few of them. Some folk get lots of different ones and some only a couple.
I know you have seen various doctors but have you seen a therapist/psych? If not it may be really helpful since you still have symptoms and are worrying about them so much.
B x