View Full Version : Ok help plz now

06-11-2012, 12:12 AM
K so I was laying in bed an took half of my pain killer which is 5 mg. about 10 minutes later felt a horrible pain in my chest almost like a pop feeling n I got all tingly n on fire feeling along with a headache. It subsided with in seconds but now it feels like my hearts beating fast slight chest pain n I have the chills. I'm freaking out someone plz tell me if u have had this happen with ur anxiety. I haven't had any anxiety n all of a sudden bam it's back. I give up

06-11-2012, 04:54 AM
What is the painkiller and why did you take it?

I'm not sure what a "pop" feeling is. Like a bubble bursting? this was possibly a palpitation... which give all kinda weird feelings in the chest.

Or... it could be a "fright" zap. This is best described as a short electric shock to the chest (which often leads to a tingling in the face) which we experience when something makes us jump (i.e. an unexpected scare)

The tingling, on fire & headache is typical of anxiety.

> I haven't had any anxiety n all of a sudden bam it's back.

I assume you've had it in the past? how long ago?
How long have you been without it?

Been to see a doc.? (you should asap)

06-11-2012, 06:55 AM
Yes I have seen a dr taking celexa and ya like a bubble bursted. My anxiety started bout 3 months ago n for the last 3 weeks since I have been home I haven't had any.

06-15-2012, 08:10 PM
K so I was laying in bed an took half of my pain killer which is 5 mg. about 10 minutes later felt a horrible pain in my chest almost like a pop feeling n I got all tingly n on fire feeling along with a headache. It subsided with in seconds but now it feels like my hearts beating fast slight chest pain n I have the chills. I'm freaking out someone plz tell me if u have had this happen with ur anxiety. I haven't had any anxiety n all of a sudden bam it's back. I give up

Not sure what you take, but i used to snort 30mg imm release oxycodone pills for a few years. Loved it never had a problem then everytime i got high i started getting anxious as hell. So i quit. But i read online that oxycodone can trigger panic attacks. Sounds like you took either percocet or vicodin. Only pain killer i can think of that comes in that strength. Both of those have anxiety as a side effect. That may be the first and only time you get anxiety from it so no worries

02-09-2013, 02:31 PM
thats weird ive been addicted to codeine for 20 yrs off n on and im on seroxat my panic attacks started this time when i took a extra codeine by mistake now everytime i take 1 it feels like im not breathing x