View Full Version : Back at it :/

Slammed Vdub
06-10-2012, 09:46 PM
So long story short i became a anxiety sufferer about 2 years ago and i had it really rough for the first year. I have been doing great since winter after i was diagnosed with OCD (thoughts) and depersonalization. I noticed that the busier i stayed, the less i ever thought about anxiety, thus not having any issues. But, lately it started to creep back in. I noticed i have become very clumsy, triping over stuff at work, even my own feet. Also, i have become forgetful, as in i would walk to grab something, then totally forget what i was getting, then remember. I also for some reason noticed that i cant move my fingers or other parts of my body as fast or in a certain repetition as i used to be able to. (liked tap my fingers in a certain pattern.) Or, it could just ne me over thinking it, and its actually normal, idk, but its scary. At first i thought it was just from stress i was having with this job i am in the process of leaving. And, the changed from being fed everything, to doing everything on my own as i come near to graduation from college. Sooooo, i made the mistake.... I looked up my symptoms on google, and Huntington disease and others came up. I began thinking i had a disease from my brain or nerves. (something along those lines) So this started it all back up for me, and i became afraid to be alone, and afraid to think once again..... Anyone have similar symptoms?