View Full Version : Cant sleep

06-10-2012, 01:13 AM
My name is leah and I'm 20. The past few nights I've been so tired before I go to bed (I'm tired all day) but once I'm in bed I can't stop thinking so it prevents me from sleep. It usually takes me about an hour to fall asleep, but the past few nights it's taken me double that. I am so exhausted. I don't take naps during the day or anything. Does this happen to anyone else?

06-10-2012, 09:56 PM
I definitely struggle trying to sleep - especially Sunday nights when I have to return to work. I can lay in bed for hours and sometimes I get as little as 3-4 hours sleep before I have to get up and that includes waking constantly during the night.

I found that setting up a sleep time routine helps. Cut out all caffeine and have a nice cup of chamomile hot milk or decaf tea before bed. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and even if you can't sleep, just lay down. I find that counting backwards from 200 helps me not think too much about the upcoming day.

Also exercise a little. A half hour walk a few hours before bed helps me a lot.

Your body will eventually overrule your mind and you will start to get better sleep and rest x

06-11-2012, 12:37 AM
This happened to me for awhile im also 20. I thought i was going crazy cuz all the sudden i just stopped sleeping well. Id be exhausted all day and anxious then pass out at 10pm, toss and turn all night then wake up at 4am exhausted and giving up on sleep. I finally got some sleeping pis from the store. I know its meds but i was so desperate to just be knocked out. When i worked on my anxiety i started sleeping better. Im back to my reg schedule - stayin up til 2 and sleeping in til noon lol. Feels good. When u dont sleep right it screws everything up.
It will get better. It always does i promise

06-11-2012, 12:52 AM
Hi I'm 18 and also have trouble going to sleep. Recently I've been learning about magnesium and how it helps you sleep. I haven't started taking magnesium yet BUT I've been eating spinach (raw) everyday and i hate to jinx this but ive been sleeping better. I don't wake up every two hours anymore (again I hate to jinx this)! if u like spinach then I say u should start eating it everyday and see what happens. Spinach has magnesium (40% DV I think) so i'm thinking it is the spinach. But anyway, good luck. I hope u sleep better soon.

06-11-2012, 03:44 AM
Laura - I'm exactly the same on Sunday nights. In fact, Sunday evening and Mondays are my worst days (especially if I've had a few bevvies over the weekend)

You guys are SOOOOO young. You shouldn't be having these problems!!

There must be something bothering you, right? what is it? There must be stuff tumbling around in your minds that prevents you from sleeping!?

You need to learn to relax and NOT think about stuff when you're lying in your beds.
Try to blank your minds - or think of GOOD things, or pleasant scenarios that have happened during the day. (Seriously - this is a sure help)

I urge you NOT to go down the sleeping pill route if you can avoid it. By all means try it but DON'T get hooked on it - they're not the answer.

While on the subject of sleeping pills, I had to laugh when I read on a sleeping pill box; "WARNING: May cause drowsiness"... DOH! I should hope so!, lol