View Full Version : Paranoid!!!!!

06-09-2012, 04:29 PM
My paranoia is going something crazy and tops my anxiety. :( you ever get in an argument with a complete stranger who calls you mean things?? They don't know me but pretty convinced they're going to hunt me down or something, literally sleeping with the light on as if this would change someone's opinion of me, who doesn't know me!!! :'(

06-09-2012, 07:12 PM
Hi Amy, do you mean you did get into an argument with a stranger n they said mean things or you worry that this happens?
Either way, people can be assholes and often don't think before they speak. And especially if it's a stranger then who cares what they say- they don't know u and therefore can't form a true opinion of you. It doesn't matter what strangers think, what matters is how you view yourself.
As for someone breaking in- that's not going to happen so long as your house is locked up all secure you will be fine. There's nothing wrong with leaving a light on for comfort. If I'm away for the night my partner sleeps with the light on as it makes him feel more secure. My brother sleeps with a bat under his bed and items strategically placed around his house incase he needs to use them to smack an intruder in the head. He knows it's irrational but it makes him feel safer and there is nothing wrong with that. Also, my fear of intruders/burglars is worse when incidents are reported in the media. But I always remind myself that that sort of thing is rare hence it's put on the news- the news fail to mention all the billions of folk in the world who's houses don't get broken into!
B x

06-10-2012, 03:25 AM
Thank you buttercup :)

How did your work meeting go? Feeling a bit better this morning.

06-10-2012, 05:57 AM
Bless you Amy

Sounds to me like you're the kind of person who is easily hurt.
Timid, shy, lacking in self-confidence... am I right?

I don't mean to sound "age-ist" (spell check?), but this is probably largely to do with your age. You're still very young, and I know that life can be tough for people your age.

30 was my worst time. Pressures to get married / buy a house / become an adult - basically.
A somewhat confusing time where I didn't really know what I wanted or who I was. (And, for your info. I did get engaged and buy a house - only for it all to go tits up 6 months later, LOL. Wasn't what I wanted you see... I did it because others were telling me to)

Anyhoo... enough about me.

Generally, you become more comfortable with yourself as you get older. You adopt more of a "I don't give a damn" attitude... and of course you grow into a fully fledged adult and are treated as such by others.

If I can sumon up any advice in this regard, it would be to try and toughen up a little. If someone says something that appears to be mean then just ignore it.
If you show weaknesses, people pick up on this and the A-holes amongst them will take advantage of that.
That's just life... human nature.

As for worrying about a break-in... do you live/sleep on your own? (I'm guessing you do and hence why this is a problem)

How about having an alarm fitted? That may put you at rest?

OR... keep a chain-saw under your bed. Sorted :-)

06-10-2012, 07:02 AM
No worries Amy, am glad you are feeling better this morning.
Work meeting was fine and non stressful! A position opened up in a different department which my HR manager put me forward for but since it's an open vacancy I have had to go through the interview process- had two interviews so far and will find out tomorrow if I get the job. Really hope I do! It's mon to fri, 9-5 and a great project but if i don't get it I will have to go back to working crappy shifts in projects I have worked in before and that cause me anxiety. Work wise it all seems to be at a stand still until a decision is made tomorrow.
Thanks for asking. Are you managing ok at work?
B x

06-10-2012, 02:55 PM
Thanks dazza :) I'm one that scares easy (prob something to do with abusive ex) and night time is my worse time. I sleep alone ATM, fiancée is a mere 3000 miles away sadly. Buy your right, I shouldnt take everything with such a fall.

Hey B
Awesome news about all these interviews!! Go you!! I'll have my fingers crossed for you tomorrow hun. I got a new job with a catering company which is far more relaxed then
Hotels/ restaurants. Really good bunch of guys too, plenty of banter. Lol

You must let me know the verdict!!!

06-10-2012, 05:20 PM
Hey I'm not paranoid, everyone really IS out to get me!

06-11-2012, 09:22 AM
On a general level - we (HUMANS) are by definition, selfish.

(If we had no law and order it WOULD be a chaotic and violent world)

You'll always find people who are more selfish & deviant than others, and yes - they will probably try to take advantage.

Take the humble car salesman for example, they'll try their hardest to screw you over.

But, you can't look at this as being mean coz it aint. It's just them trying to make a living - just as you do.
Life is about understanding and accepting this normal behaviour and not for getting all up-tight about it.

Fuck, if a salesman tries to sell me something - I'll hammer them to the ground until I've got it for half the original price (else I'll walk off)

I repeat - you gotta toughen up a little & get more "street wise".

It all comes with experience.

06-11-2012, 09:52 AM
Hi Amy
Paranoia is a form of reaction caused by anxiety and stress, get the anxiety down with relaxation and other exercises and it will most likely fade away. I see lots of patients with this condition so follow a good anti anxiety program, i do one but there are a few around which tackles the way you think and the way you react. You will get a huge benefit from just understanding your brain chemistry - do that first before you resort to drugs, if they worked as a cure people wouldn't need to be on them for years and years.
you will get over this with the right advice.

06-12-2012, 01:17 AM
Hi beeben

So one assumes your a therapist? Im not on a program ATM. I finished therapy in February this year and haven't been on regular medication for over three years. I get the odd, rather overwhelming bad day, which I must admit are rare but generally have learnt to cope with the day to day stuff. I rely on breathing exercises and distraction more then anything.

Thank you for your reply

Amy :)

06-12-2012, 02:36 AM
Yes, Amy a psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist, semi retired now but ready and willing to assist people with anxiety. I work with a technique called Solution Focused Brief Therapy, we often deal with anxiety in three to six sessions and give people tools to manage their reactions to stressful situations in the future.

Most are not aware that it's not other peoples actions that produce the anxiety, they are just the trigger. It's our own reactions that naturally produce chemicals, the intention is to help us but often too much is produced and at the wrong time.

Learn, as you have, a few tricks, like deep breathing, and you can be in control. There are a many more techniques, some more powerful than breathing and distraction. It helps to understand in simple terms what goes on in our minds and bodies. I have over 50 really helpful tips email me for details.

06-12-2012, 02:40 AM
Hi Amy
I am replying for BeeBenn who is my partner (and wife)

Yes, BeeBen and I are both psychotherapists and clinical hypnotherapists, semi retired now but ready and willing to assist people with anxiety. We work with a technique called Solution Focused Brief Therapy, we often deal with anxiety in three to six sessions and give people tools to manage their reactions to stressful situations in the future.

Most are not aware that it's not other peoples actions that produce the anxiety, they are just the trigger. It's our own reactions that naturally produce chemicals, the intention is to help us but often too much is produced and at the wrong time.

Learn, as you have, a few tricks, like deep breathing, and you can be in control. There are a many more techniques, some more powerful than breathing and distraction. It helps to understand in simple terms what goes on in our minds and bodies. We have over 50 really helpful tips email me for details.