View Full Version : head feels like its going to burst

irish gal
06-09-2012, 03:58 PM
hi i feel like my head is going to explode, its racing at 100mph of the most stupidest, weirdest things that shouldnt even be in my head. I think about bad things thats happening in everyday life and its over taking my mind then i picture it which leads me to think im sick in the head cause i picture these things happening to people and it makes me so sick and scared. I feel numb everyday and i try to put this brave face on when really i am wanting to scream, im so unhappy when i have loads of reasons in my life to be happy, i do the same thing everyday im a young mum and have been through alot in my life due to health issues and other things, i dont think ive properly dealth with them things which isnt helping me, i have never felt like this until a few months back so thats why i dont understand why i suddenly have started. I think about everything al the time even when i go to bed i picture things that havent even happened and worry about silly things, i over think things which makes it so much worse, and i wish i had the strength to put it al out of my mind and move on but i dont no how to do this, the main thing im frightnened of is having bad thoughts and then picturing them happening i feel like im sick and i just want someone to understand what im going through an tel me its ok. This is starting to take over my life and i want the old me back can someone please advise me and help me on what to do. Thank u for taking the time to read this

06-11-2012, 01:05 PM
I think its aniexty did u talk to the doctor