View Full Version : help me :(

06-09-2012, 10:04 AM
I just read another thread and im sorry I did, they were on about schizophrenia, and im going through bad anxiety and now im paranoid that i am going to get it , my head is all over the place im so scared. :(

06-09-2012, 10:58 AM
bad anxiety does not cause schizophrenia and even if you were schizophrenic it's not the end of the world. With the right treatments schizophrenia can be well managed and people live normal happy lives with the condition. The way the condition is portrayed on tv, in movies etc is not a true reflection of it. Schizophrenics do not all hear voices, hallucinate, go totally crazy etc. and if they do, as I said, it can be managed.
What do you think has triggered your fear of becoming schizophrenic? What do you think would happen if you were diagnosed?
B x

06-10-2012, 08:59 AM
Hello Buttercup, My anxiety started February when my mother was clear of Cancer but when she got it I kind of did not deal with it at all. Know im having to deal with it. I am afraid of geting a heart attack , death so on. but when I read the thread on the sight about Schizophrenia or read any thread an alarm goes of in my head and I cant deal with what I have read I think then I have it . I was fine until mam got cancer. You are right about the TV and movies maybe that what frightened me because that what I say schizophrenic person to be totally crazy it mad me afraid that I would have it.