View Full Version : Lately...

06-09-2012, 06:34 AM
I am do glad I have found this forum first off! I've anxiety-pa for more than a year! I have moved from heart attack to thinking my throat will close any second and I've start thinking I'm allergic to everything! I can't eat out and I carefully read every label I pick up. Things I've eaten all my life scares me now. It wears my husband out by being so picky. We've recently hit a really rough patch and are seeing counselors but the stress has been crazy. Its 730 am and I haven't been to sleep yet. I get so scared that the way I treat my body will cause more problems I.e. no sleep, hardly eating, not leaving home. I miss the person I used to be. It's hard. I've been prescribed Zoloft and Valium and have never taken them. I'm to scared of side effects. Ugh. I'm miserable and make everybody else's lives that way. I just don't know what to do.... It's hard

06-09-2012, 08:47 AM
So... after everything you THOUGHT would happen (i.e. heart attack / throat closure, etc), and the fact that NONE of these events actually happened (i.e. you didn't have a heart attack and your throat has never [and will never] close up)... you STILL have the fears, huh?

After a years experience of this, I would have thought you'd be able to rationalise somewhat with your innapropriate thoughts.

You know what, you need to get in touch with your symptoms. I mean, when they happen... step back, realise what's happening, tell yourself what's happening, tell yourself you've been here a thousand times and that you KNOW what it is.

Feel the symptom / accept it... rise above it... let it happen but watch it from above.

This is what you've gotta do girly.

I've mastered my panic attacks. I still feel them coming on from time to time but I'm fully comprehensive of it and therefore able to keep it at bay.
I've accepted it. I know what the fuck it is.

I even talk to others around me about it when it's happening. Like; "Ahhhh shit, 'ere we go again. Do you mind if I go sit down for a wee while whilst this shit runs it's course through my body? I won't be long..."

Next time... try greeting your symptoms, let them in and do their thang but try to stay fully comprehensive of what's occuring.

06-09-2012, 09:08 AM
You have to break this cycle. I use valium and I'd say try that at 5mg-10mg and see how it helps. It will calm you. Then I'd take 1/2 tablet zoloft for a few weeks then go to the full dose daily. I have used it and it was fine. I just prefer prozac.
Why continue doing the same thing and expect different results? Take a leap of faith and some advise from a fellow anxiety sufferer and try the meds as I've suggested. If only one thing try the valium and stay away from too much caffeine and add some sleepy time tea to help calm you as well. Alankay

06-09-2012, 09:09 AM
You have to break this cycle. I use valium and I'd say try that at 5mg-10mg and see how it helps. It will calm you. Then I'd take 1/2 tablet zoloft for a few weeks then go to the full dose daily. I have used it and it was fine. I just prefer prozac.
Why continue doing the same thing and expect different results? Take a leap of faith and some advise from a fellow anxiety sufferer and try the meds as I've suggested. If only one thing try the valium and stay away from too much caffeine and add some sleepy time tea to help calm you as well. Alankay

06-09-2012, 12:40 PM
I'm terrified of taking meds. I tried half of a half of Valium and never again. I was originally put on celexa and it made me feel worse so I stopped and that ruined me of trying my Zoloft. I try to exercise and yoga and eat better but nothing helps. I feel like I'm at the end of the line. Everyday I just wanna scream bc I'm so miserable!!!! I have completely forgotten what it's like to wake up and feel good. It's nonexistent. I dunno.....

06-09-2012, 01:19 PM
If you tried half of a half of a valium and had a bad experience, i highly doubt you felt the meds at all. In fact i bet you worked yourself up expecting to feel high or drowsy and you gave yourself more panic and anxiety from your med fears. When you take a good benzo dose you feel normal and not anxious. Not weird, drugged up or unable to function

06-09-2012, 05:01 PM
My doc told me that people with anxiety usually welcome the drug and don't abuse it bc they finally find the relief they long for. I'm working on courage to take one! Hopefully soon!!!

06-10-2012, 01:35 AM
My doc told me that people with anxiety usually welcome the drug and don't abuse it bc they finally find the relief they long for. I'm working on courage to take one! Hopefully soon!!!

I was scared at first but man 20 min later i was able to breathe and think clearly. My heart stopped pounding. I felt normal after feeling weird and just not right for weeks. They will really rescue you and pull you out of a panic attack

06-10-2012, 06:34 PM
Do you feel normal??? I just want normal even if it's just for a few hours!!!

06-10-2012, 08:12 PM
Do you feel normal??? I just want normal even if it's just for a few hours!!!

Yes i do. Trust me i was very depressed - forgot what normal felt like and didnt think i would ever feel right again. I felt trapped because i didnt wanna die but i didnt want to go on feeling like that i just wanted to feel normal again. Then one day i felt good for a couple of hours and even went out to eat with my family. I kept that memory in my head and lived for it when i felt bad again that same night. I just kept on going, telling myself id feel right again. i researched anxiety and read/posted on this forum alot. Talked to others. As time passed i became used to my symptoms and they didnt scare me as much because i knew it was just anxiety (i did get a full workup done at the dr to rule out everything else). I talk myself down alot. Its been getting better everyday since. I just make sure i get out daily if i sit around and do nothing the entire day i start thinking about every lil thing im feeling. I also have xanax for emergencies. I rarely take it but its always in my pocket when i go somewhere just in case i need it.
You have to accept that this is happening and its okay. For weeks i cried constantly and worked myself up because i was like embarassed i was suddenly agoraphobic and needed to get rides whenever i did manage to get out. I was upset because i felt like my independence was gone. But i let it go and started taking small steps to help myself get back to normal and its worked :)

Dont give up no matter what! There will be good days and bad. When u have a good day make a mental note of it and hold on to it to keep going :) oh im also seeing a therapist. I feel like just venting to someone about my anxiety and how alone i felt really helped me. Look into it

06-10-2012, 11:26 PM
Thanks so much! Encourage really helps! Hopefully I can get on this track right now I'm confined to my house or about a 10 miles radius. I rarely drive. I gotta find a way outta this pit I'm in!!! Some days im super confident and others I'm just down and there's no leaving the couch!