View Full Version : Newbie, well sort of

06-09-2012, 06:01 AM
Hi all. Just thought i'd say hello. I was actually on this forum back in 2006 when i was having problems with anxiety under the username emz_1986. Unfortunately i can't remember my password and my email address has since changed.

I've been having a few problems with 'anxiety' since the birth of my daughter 12 weeks ago. I've come back on here for a bit more support as i'm finding it quite tough at times.

06-09-2012, 06:51 AM
I'm a returning member too, but I was on a year or so later. Welcome back though, and I hope you find what you need here. :D

06-09-2012, 07:38 AM
Welcome back guys and huge congrats EMZ on the birth of your daughter. B x

06-09-2012, 09:29 AM
Hiya welcome back,i have just joined this site,i am due to have my baby in 5 weeks and i am feeling anxious now and sometimes get that breathless feeling,i am having a girl,just wondering was you the anxious type before the baby?i am scared of feeling worse once the baby is here because of all your hormones.

cat eyes
06-09-2012, 10:28 AM
Hi, I have been having anxiety and Panic attacks for a few months now. It's ruining my life and I swear I am dying or have heart issues even though I seen three cardiologist and a few other doctors. I am
On 5mg of celexa for five weeks now and suppose to take Xanax twice a day and I don't. The symptoms are crazy!! I feel numbness in face and weak/tired. Anyone have these symptoms?

06-09-2012, 11:05 AM
Hiya welcome back,i have just joined this site,i am due to have my baby in 5 weeks and i am feeling anxious now and sometimes get that breathless feeling,i am having a girl,just wondering was you the anxious type before the baby?i am scared of feeling worse once the baby is here because of all your hormones.

Hi and thank you. Yes i was anxious before i had my baby, she is 12 weeks old now. I had terrible panic attacks and anxiety 6 years ago although at the time it took a while to believe it was anxiety (when i first joined the forum), but i think that was down to my gran being ill and in hospital. This time, the anxiety started when my husband returned to work after his paternity leave. I would probably say in between the periods of extreme anxiety, that i am anxious but i can control it.
Are you worried about labour?

06-09-2012, 02:02 PM
Oh i am so scared its unbelievable,i work in a hospital on a ward aswell but anything to do with me am terrible,even if i go the dentist my heart is beating really fast or any app just cant help it,i am booked in for a c section on the 17th july and the thought of it justs freaks me out but i know i have to go through with it x

06-10-2012, 07:35 AM
I would of thought a c section would be better than a natural delivery. Well not better, but at least you won't have the labour pains. Good luck in giving birth, you'll be fine. People do it every day :)

06-10-2012, 08:17 AM
I know it sounds better and u know what day you are having it and it only takes about 1 hr in all but just the theatre and having an op scares me and i know my heart will be racing while am there and the thought of not being in control while lying there what if i panicked?

06-10-2012, 08:46 AM
You will get drugs to relax you and every one in the op theatre will be used to dealing with scared and anxious patients. The doctors and nurses will do everything possible to relax you and make the experience as un-traumatic as possible. And keep in mind that you have something amazing to look forward to after the procedure- you will have a beautiful baby and all the worry and panic will have been worth it just to hold your new baby in your arms! Have you talked to your doc or midwife about all your concerns? It's important to let them know how worried you are so they can re-assure you and help you.
B x

06-10-2012, 09:09 AM
Aw thanks for that,yes but when i mention it all they say is oh youll be fine,i dont think they can grasp how anxious about it i am,i was wondering whether they can do something to relax you,i have always been scared to take something,i just have it in my head that something will happen to me