View Full Version : New to this and had a few questions

06-08-2012, 08:52 PM
Hello all! I'm new here and wanted to post about some of my issues. I've had anxiety my entire life but it didn't start getting severe until I turned 18, I'm 22 now. I'm currently on Xanax XR for anxiety and Latuda for paranoid schizophrenia. I also have PTSD. My doctor and nurse tell me I'm schizophrenic. I don't really hear voices or have hallucinations, I just have extremely bad delusions, disorganized thinking and bad paranoia. Are those still symptoms of schizophrenia? I'm actually wanting to come off of the Latuda, (wean myself off) because I'm not feeling any benefit from the medication. I'm also having some bad side effects to it. I explained this to my doctor and nurse, but my doctor still wants me to continue taking the Latuda for now. Since my doctor and nurse are not supportive of me coming off the Latuda, what should I do? I want to wean myself off but I have no clue how to go about this. I've been on it for less than two months now.

06-09-2012, 12:47 AM
You should definitely see another psychiatrist and get a second opinion. Sometimes (not always but sometimes) psychiatrists make mistakes and can misdiagnose. One may find you schizophrenic and another may say you have OCD. dont wean yourself off by yourself... I dont know much about anti psychotics but i imagine they arent something to be screwed around with. I hope your doctor you mentioned is a psychiatric doctor and not your GP

06-09-2012, 08:45 AM
Cass, I'd stay on the meds and have another pdoc review your records/symptoms and go from there. I would not change meds without proper review and supervision. They are usually very sure about a diagnoses like that before starting meds for those disorders. But heck, yeah, get a second opinion from another pdoc as GP don't treat these disorders unless no specialists are around at all. Alankay