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06-08-2012, 03:13 PM
legs have been in pain for weeks now :/ as if i been working out everyday...anyone?

06-08-2012, 03:15 PM
have you been checked out by the doctor to rule out everything?

if so, then anxiety can cause this. i get it quite often. especially if i go up the stairs. sometimes i have to sit down to have a rest. i'm only 25, but you'd think i was 95 by some of my trips up the stairs

06-08-2012, 03:18 PM
i have been checked out and doc an er say im healthy.
:/ but these past weeks my legs have been in pain .

06-08-2012, 04:48 PM
When you have anxiety you can often tense up your muscles and not even notice you are doing it. That causes muscle pain and weakness.

06-09-2012, 02:14 AM
have you been checked out by the doctor to rule out everything?

if so, then anxiety can cause this. i get it quite often. especially if i go up the stairs. sometimes i have to sit down to have a rest. i'm only 25, but you'd think i was 95 by some of my trips up the stairs

VERY interesting you mention stairs...

Before I "contracted" A/D, I would practically fly up stairs without batting an eyelid.

But, because my anxiety is health related (heart), I now feel a little anxious when approaching stairs because I fear the physical exertion will excite my heart.
As I climb I can feel tension rising (as if scared), and by the time I'm at the top I can feel my heart going like a bass drum.
(Not ALL the time, but sometimes)

My heart is pounding not because of the physicality, but because I've inadvertantly put myself in anxious mode while climbing the stairs.

All in the mind I tell thee... ALL IN THE MIND!!

06-09-2012, 09:04 AM
my pain and tiredness seem to stay in my legs all day only when i sleep it goes away :/