View Full Version : Unexplained anxiety! PLEASE HELP!

06-07-2012, 11:51 PM
Hi everyone! Ok bear with me this is kind of long but im begging you to help me, any advice of any kind would help!
Im suffering from a bad case of anxiety attacks that I can't seem to get help with. I'm a teenager who has a great life, no money problems or anything like that. The only stress I may have is from college and jobs. I also had an allergic reaction about a year or two ago and the doctor told me if I had one again and didn't make it to help within 15 minutes my throat would close. I think this may have something to do with it because it seems like all my anxiety comes from feared medical conditions. For example, if my breathing feels weird I automatically assume that my throat is closing or if I'm having chest pains I think it's a heart attack, ect. Sometimes if it gets bad enough where I'll end up going to the hospital and sitting in my car by the emergency room because I feel like if I'm home I can die. I mean the ambulance wouldn't be able to make it to the house before I stopped breathing or my heart failed or whatever. It's really ruining my life. I'm always in constant awareness of my body, " oh, was that a flutter in my heart" , " I feel like I'm breathing weird". It's causing me to take away from what a normal person my age would do, I don't even like to exercise because my heart and breathing speed up and I'll get lightheaded and feel like I need to pass out. I've also suffered from vertigo, not sure if that's connected with anything. I get dizzy and lightheaded a lot. Someone my age shouldnt be constantly thinking I'm going to die and taking random trips ( sometimes in the middle of the night and for hours at a time) to the hospital to sit there just to ease my mind. I've tried to get on medicine before and it didn't help. Please help!! I've gone to so many doctors for conditions such as heart problems but I'm starting to wonder if it could all be linked back to anxiety. It's so aggravating!!, any advice is good advice! Thank you

06-14-2012, 12:20 AM
I've experienced pretty much all of those, and I even didn't know that's called vertigo lol.

Anyways, somehow you need to learn to trust yourself. That allergic reaction happened to you is something that probably happened randomly and something like that won't ever repeat in your life.
We all get dizzy, even people who aren't anxious get sometimes dizzy so if doctor said everything is fine - you don't need to worry.
Be patient, work on yourself. Do you exercise? Do you have hobby? You need to do something to be busy about but in same time you need to be patient. With time such feelings will go away and you won't be panicky like that, trust me. Just be patient and give it a time.

When you had your first panic attack?

07-12-2012, 04:58 AM

It seems that you are a case vitamin D3 deficiency. Please read my Thread "The Cure ?" under Depression forum.
Read it with care, please.

Best wishes,

05-22-2013, 08:32 PM
Hi everyone! Ok bear with me this is kind of long but im begging you to help me, any advice of any kind would help!
Im suffering from a bad case of anxiety attacks that I can't seem to get help with. I'm a teenager who has a great life, no money problems or anything like that. The only stress I may have is from college and jobs. I also had an allergic reaction about a year or two ago and the doctor told me if I had one again and didn't make it to help within 15 minutes my throat would close. I think this may have something to do with it because it seems like all my anxiety comes from feared medical conditions. For example, if my breathing feels weird I automatically assume that my throat is closing or if I'm having chest pains I think it's a heart attack, ect. Sometimes if it gets bad enough where I'll end up going to the hospital and sitting in my car by the emergency room because I feel like if I'm home I can die. I mean the ambulance wouldn't be able to make it to the house before I stopped breathing or my heart failed or whatever. It's really ruining my life. I'm always in constant awareness of my body, " oh, was that a flutter in my heart" , " I feel like I'm breathing weird". It's causing me to take away from what a normal person my age would do, I don't even like to exercise because my heart and breathing speed up and I'll get lightheaded and feel like I need to pass out. I've also suffered from vertigo, not sure if that's connected with anything. I get dizzy and lightheaded a lot. Someone my age shouldnt be constantly thinking I'm going to die and taking random trips ( sometimes in the middle of the night and for hours at a time) to the hospital to sit there just to ease my mind. I've tried to get on medicine before and it didn't help. Please help!! I've gone to so many doctors for conditions such as heart problems but I'm starting to wonder if it could all be linked back to anxiety. It's so aggravating!!, any advice is good advice! Thank you

Sounds like you've developed health anxiety because of your allergy issue and what the doctor said about its seriousness. I developed health anxiety after a close call, too. The problem now is your subconscious is on high alert, monitoring your body, and goes into fight or flight mode whenever it registers any strange sensations. In other words, panic attacks. They can cause all those symptoms. Vertigo, palpitations, weakness, sweating, tingling, aches, pains, nausea, you name it. It's all adrenaline surging through your body. First, I would get one of those epi pens and keep it with you so you can rest your mind and be safe from allergic reactions. Then, I would practice claire weekes techniques to desensitize your nerves. They need to be deprogrammed from going into red alert all the time. You need to learn to face your fears, accept them, float through the attacks and let time heal your frazzled nerves. You are stuck in a loop of fear-adrenaline-fear because of your trauma. I know. I am fighting the same battle.