View Full Version : Unexplained Anxiety! PLEASE HELP!!

06-07-2012, 11:47 PM
Hi everyone! Ok bear with me this is kind of long but im begging you to help me, any advice of any kind would help!
Im suffering from a bad case of anxiety attacks that I can't seem to get help with. I'm a teenager who has a great life, no money problems or anything like that. The only stress I may have is from college and jobs. I also had an allergic reaction about a year or two ago and the doctor told me if I had one again and didn't make it to help within 15 minutes my throat would close. I think this may have something to do with it because it seems like all my anxiety comes from feared medical conditions. For example, if my breathing feels weird I automatically assume that my throat is closing or if I'm having chest pains I think it's a heart attack, ect. Sometimes if it gets bad enough where I'll end up going to the hospital and sitting in my car by the emergency room because I feel like if I'm home I can die. I mean the ambulance wouldn't be able to make it to the house before I stopped breathing or my heart failed or whatever. It's really ruining my life. I'm always in constant awareness of my body, " oh, was that a flutter in my heart" , " I feel like I'm breathing weird". It's causing me to take away from what a normal person my age would do, I don't even like to exercise because my heart and breathing speed up and I'll get lightheaded and feel like I need to pass out. I've also suffered from vertigo, not sure if that's connected with anything. I get dizzy and lightheaded a lot. Someone my age shouldnt be constantly thinking I'm going to die and taking random trips ( sometimes in the middle of the night and for hours at a time) to the hospital to sit there just to ease my mind. I've tried to get on medicine before and it didn't help. Please help!! I've gone to so many doctors for conditions such as heart problems but I'm starting to wonder if it could all be linked back to anxiety. It's so aggravating!!, any advice is good advice! Thank you

06-21-2012, 10:45 AM
Hi everyone! Ok bear with me this is kind of long but im begging you to help me, any advice of any kind would help!
Im suffering from a bad case of anxiety attacks that I can't seem to get help with. I'm a teenager who has a great life, no money problems or anything like that. The only stress I may have is from college and jobs. I also had an allergic reaction about a year or two ago and the doctor told me if I had one again and didn't make it to help within 15 minutes my throat would close. I think this may have something to do with it because it seems like all my anxiety comes from feared medical conditions. For example, if my breathing feels weird I automatically assume that my throat is closing or if I'm having chest pains I think it's a heart attack, ect. Sometimes if it gets bad enough where I'll end up going to the hospital and sitting in my car by the emergency room because I feel like if I'm home I can die. I mean the ambulance wouldn't be able to make it to the house before I stopped breathing or my heart failed or whatever. It's really ruining my life. I'm always in constant awareness of my body, " oh, was that a flutter in my heart" , " I feel like I'm breathing weird". It's causing me to take away from what a normal person my age would do, I don't even like to exercise because my heart and breathing speed up and I'll get lightheaded and feel like I need to pass out. I've also suffered from vertigo, not sure if that's connected with anything. I get dizzy and lightheaded a lot. Someone my age shouldnt be constantly thinking I'm going to die and taking random trips ( sometimes in the middle of the night and for hours at a time) to the hospital to sit there just to ease my mind. I've tried to get on medicine before and it didn't help. Please help!! I've gone to so many doctors for conditions such as heart problems but I'm starting to wonder if it could all be linked back to anxiety. It's so aggravating!!, any advice is good advice! Thank you

Hi,im new on here but it definitely sounds like what happened a year ago is causing this anxiety you are feeling, you've got to start thinking positive and not be frightened of the thoughts,try writing it down and also ask yourself if a friend was feeling like this what would you say to them.Hope this helps

07-08-2012, 09:38 PM
I agree that the anxiety probably is stemming from your fear of having another allergic reaction. I think mine stems from fear of fainting because I have scary memories of fainting as a child. Anxiety and fears seem to me to have a root cause. That's so interesting that you said you're afraid to exercise because I literally said that to my fiancé tonight. I am afraid ill have a heart attack or something, because I'm having all of these weird heart symptoms, which are probably due to anxiety and which could probably be helped by exercising. It's a silly cycle of fear. I'm wondering if I should go have some heart tests done just to be sure, but it seems like it's all anxiety related which is what my dr says. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of tests did they do for you before they concluded that it was anxiety related?

12-06-2012, 06:57 AM
Nancy you must be my twin I experience the exact same stuff!!!

12-06-2012, 04:45 PM
I bet it's anxiety. It's all connected. At you age you should have none of this really. If it'a anxiety a psychiatrist or psychologist is your best bet. Do you think you can summon the courage to go to one and tell them all your symptoms and history? At some level you might have been anxious and the allergic reaction just brought it to the surface. Alankay

12-13-2012, 06:31 AM
unexplained anxiety = random anxiety!
I have all the symptoms you listed and I have been diagnosed with GAD (General Anxiety Disorder). Recently my symptoms got so bad that I also went to the hospital fearing I had a heart attack! Please feel free to read my post in the Welcome forum (titled Random Anxiety), it explains my whole story. Sorry for the length, lol.
I also don't like to exercise for fear of changes in my breathing, and heart rate and body temperature. All of these things trigger panic attacks for me! I always fear I am dying and that no one is around to help save me in enough time. That is just your panic talking, as I like to say. It has re-wired your brain to think like this, your job is to disagree with it!
The general rule of thumb to help yourself get better is to NOT to avoid things but rather to confront them and experience them to be able to get over them. Easier said than done, This is no easy task, I still have not mastered it. The idea behind it is to go through the symptoms and realize that you will live through the situation and the symptoms will pass. I am trying this in baby steps, exposing myself to small situations and trying to live through them by talking myself through. Self talk is the best thing you can use because you can train your brain to think differently while you are experiencing the horrible symptoms.
The best advice I have for you is that you are not alone, I go through what you are going through everyday, just like many others on this site. I have been to therapy and have alot of knowledge on the subject of GAD however I myself am still a work in progress.
I wish you all the best

12-16-2012, 02:05 PM
I bet it's anxiety. It's all connected. At you age you should have none of this really. If it'a anxiety a psychiatrist or psychologist is your best bet. Do you think you can summon the courage to go to one and tell them all your symptoms and history? At some level you might have been anxious and the allergic reaction just brought it to the surface. Alankay

Yes I have to agree on this as well.

01-02-2013, 11:17 AM
I feel like you are my twin! Lol I've been to the emergency room about 4 times now bc I thought I was havin a heart attack or some major medical problem. I am hyper aware of my body. I feel every breath, tingle, heart beat and I always am havin a tight chest and heart palpitations/heart racing/heart pounding. I'm always thinking I have a medical problem or a bad reaction to medicine. I had 2 bad experiences.. One with birth control where I passed out and one with a medicine called ciproflaxin where my anxiety/depression worsened so bad. Right now I am going to therapy which I love and I just started Prozac which is freaking me out. I'm on day 3 and I'm determined to get by the next 2 weeks no matter what bc I know the bad side effects will go away. I hope Prozac helps me. I think you should def go to a therapist and maybe try medicine again? If not I read vitamins and omega 3/6/9 is as good as medicine along w exercise and eating sleeping right. Good luck to you we all feel your pain :(

01-02-2013, 12:11 PM
Hello I found that Rich Prestas' Anxiety Revolution Videos help alot, at least for me. because the anxiety is all in your head, but like someone in the thread said you just have to re-wire your brain which is way easier said than done but it is a process. confront the anxiety and try to teach yourself that its really nothing. Like I said way easier said than done. but you got to start somewhere. I am recently recovering from a week long anxiety attack it seemed but now I am just taking baby steps to re-wire my brain.

01-02-2013, 01:32 PM
It sounds like anxiety. Mine started three months ago when I lost my mom to CHF. Every since she passed my heart started to have severe chest pains and fluttering. I did an EKG I did a stress echo and I did another exam at a local hospital that was offering free heart checkups and everyone said anxiety. Now it seems that any little thing triggers the pain no matter what. I have to fly at the end of this month to visit my dad but I'm planning to take one last test which is the heart monitor. I'm scared of flying but I do it anyway. I'm just afraid of getting a severe panic attack on the plane. I don't take Meds but I think I will before I fly.

04-05-2013, 02:01 AM
It sounds like a combination of panic attacks, hyperchondria and allergies. They could all have a commmon origin - i.e. they might all be psychological in origin. According to the theory, the purpose of the symptoms is to divert attention from unconscious painful and threatening feelings by focusing attention on the body. This focusing on the body is particularly obvious in your case. In my opinion, you need to purchase "The Divided Mind" by John Sarno.

Could you be unconsciously angry about something?

04-25-2013, 12:34 AM
i will write some advices i hope it will help