View Full Version : Which Claire Weeks Book?

01-29-2007, 08:08 AM

Thanks to everyone who ahs responded to my posts in recent weeks sorry i havent been able to reply that much ive been busy trying to do coursework (Hard with anxiety)
Any way ive seen many people say claire weeks books are v.good so im gonna give them a try but my question is which one is best fpr me. Ill list my symptoms and hopefully you guys will be able to reccomend one to me. My symptoms are as follws

Fatigue (The sort you get if you have a lie in bed but i gt it even if i wake on time)
Dizziness / lightheadedness (I sort of feel like in in a dream its horrible)
Poor eyesight (Eyes go foggy / blurry) Very annoying
Feels like my muscles are tensing even though i dont think they actually are
Feels like in rising off the seat when m sitiing (Back arches)
Headaches (Again the sort you get if you lay in bed for too long)

Do you gys think these books might help? If anyone else has had similar symptoms what did you find helped? Do you think medication would help me?

Thanks guys ill try to respond as soon as possible


01-29-2007, 09:58 AM
Jordie says: in his thread "Self Help for your Nerves" by Claire Weekes. and he is rarely wrong.


01-29-2007, 11:41 AM
Hahaha c'mon Jitz! I keep hanging around throughout posts and suddently I find references to what I said. It....freaks me out!! hehe...

However...dear read that one...Self Help for your Nerves...it's tiny and it tells you all to begin your complete recovery...

I also bought "Essential Help for your Nerves", which is two books in one, I haven't read it yet though, but they say it's a deepening of Self Help. So...best wishes.

01-29-2007, 05:06 PM
In reading Clair Weeks books, keep in mind that some of her material is outdated. For example, she talks about shock therapy. Just ignore that stuff, as most of the material is very good. Also check out the "MC2 Method" as well as the other online anxiety programs. It doesn't hurt to try any - you can always get a refund for online information purchases if you are not satisfied, since there is no signature and no shipping.