View Full Version : Anxiety delt with

06-07-2012, 10:18 PM
So this is my first post in awhile. It seems I have learned how to control my anxiety. I have moved home again, made plans to become a phlebotomist n 2 weeks, and have been taking celexa 20 mg. at first when I started the celexa I felt so weak n still had to use my Ativan. It's been 3 weeks and I have only have to take half an Ativan. N it was cuz I was jus laying in bed and I started getting chills then felt like my heart was gna pound right out of my chest. Other than that I have been doing good. I pray every night for guidance and strength through my life and dealing with my anxiety. I'm telling you everyone I'm not a big religious person but I feel god is giving me the strength through this. Everyone have a blessed day. Always remember this is a very scary disorder but it is very manageable.

06-07-2012, 10:29 PM
It is not only manageable but it is curable and you can save yourself as you are slowly doing. I give props to you and only you for having the courage to push through this. Great work and keep it up! Don't worry about setbacks or bumps in the road. Just keep going forward!

06-07-2012, 10:46 PM
I am. It feels great to overcome it. I was so scared when it started happening. Finally It was after having back to back anxiety a week straight I finally said stop go away. I have to batting for my kids and I'm not gna let this stupid anxiety win. Then I started praying n found the right meds after many they tried n jus stopped fearing n wondering when it was gna happen again. I have kept myself busy. There to much in life to miss out on bcuz of fear of another anxiety attack. I started praying about it n asking for strength and guidance to come to terms with it. N thank u I'm glad people r out there rooting for me. That helps a lot to n of course I can't leave out the help of this forum either. Seeing everyone experiences and encouragement really worked to