View Full Version : Totally fine then BAM!

06-07-2012, 09:14 PM
Sooo things lately have been very stressful. Separated from my husband for awhile then decided to work it out with counseling. We had our first individual sessions today and things went well. We decided to go out just us and had a really good time but as soon as we started back home it hit me hard. I wasn't thinking about anything and then all of a sudden it hit. I started panicking and felt like I was suffocating, I always get a lump in my throat and theme it's like I can feel the adrenaline race thru me. So if course I get quiet and start really dwelling on everything. So here I am writing this as we drive back home and of course I just know I'm gonna die any second! This is no way to live and I hate it so much! Anybody have any words of wisdom to share???? Help

06-08-2012, 01:29 AM
Relationship anxiety! (there's a few on this forum)

You probably now fear it all going wrong again.

Take it easy... VERY easy... talk to eachother. Make him fully aware that you have A/D and that it's not anything to do with him directly.
He needs to understand your condition. You need to know that he understands your condition.
Until this mutual understanding is present - you'll feel like you're on your own and this can cause the attacks.

Did you write the above on your mobile, by the way? or do you have a laptop in the car? :-/

06-08-2012, 01:56 AM
I recently got an iPhone and there was an app for this forum! Talk about a great find for me!! It's not the first time trust had been breached which just adds to the terrible thoughts of it happening again is worse. We started counseling today so we are taking steps in the right direction but it's scary none the less. I've suffered with anxiety/pa/depression for a year now and it's never gotten easier! I just need some relief!

06-08-2012, 03:13 AM
My advice it dont give up on it, keep battling it, even when it seems like it will never get better. Things always get better. Many on the forum have been in some terrible places and come through it.