View Full Version : Nail appt

06-07-2012, 07:21 PM
So I had an appt to get my nails and feet done....I was petrified!!!! Was trying to find every excuse in the book why NOT to go....my daughter finally told me I HAD to go...that I needed to get out of the house....so I took a deep breath and went....while I was there half way thru my session, I got panicky,dizzy, tense, and wanted to just get up and leave...was very scared !!! I took a deep breath and prayed for me not to wig out in front of my nail tech....how humiliating that would of been if I would of put on a show:{ I made it out and drove back home....I'm proud if myself but at the same time I feel like such a crazy person!!!! This is something I have been doing for the past 18yrs...gettingy nails done!!! Really???? I should of enjoyed my time but didn't...what the hell is wrong w me??? I'm embarrassed, disappointed, and worried that I will never ever get out of this rut!

06-08-2012, 01:35 AM
Sounds familiar.

With anxiety disorder we are consumed by our condition and, well, we just don't function propely.

Until you've dealt with your pesky A/D you'll continue to be like this.

Worry NOT however, it'll all come back and you'll be your good old self again in due course.

During my worst period of A/D - I stopped all my hobbies. I'm gradually weening myself back on them now :-)

06-08-2012, 09:31 AM
"how humiliating that would of been if I would of put on a show:{"

The anticipatory anxiety is ALWAYS worse than what you are nervous about.

Think about it- The worst case scenario is that you would have to tell your nail tech "Whoa... I feel ill all of a sudden. Can I be excused to the bathroom/outside for some fresh air for a minute?" Then you would have either calmed down or said "I'm so sorry, I'm just not feeling well. I can pay for the appointment anyways."

When things get bad, just rationalize what the worst case scenario actually is, REALISTICALLY. No one there would think "Oh god what a crazy lady!" They would simply say "Oh gosh, she's feeling ill. I hope she feels better!"

06-08-2012, 10:09 AM
I don't know about nails, but I tell you what WOULD make me anxious...

ANAL bleaching

Imagine being half way through that and having to get up & leave. You'd end up with a half-moon? pmsl