View Full Version : Hiding cuts and scars?

06-07-2012, 02:17 PM
Does anybody have any ideas on how I can hide my cuts and scars without using make up or a sweatshirt?

06-07-2012, 02:46 PM
Have you tried any creams? There are many available in pharmacies that can be effective depending on the severity of the scars. or have you seen a dermatologist? Although scars will never fully go away there are procedures that dermatologists can offer to reduce the appearance of them like dermabrasion or laser treatment.

06-15-2012, 08:09 AM
Dermablend make-up, but not if they're fresh and tattoos are a great way to cover up scars for good.

06-16-2012, 10:03 PM
If you don't want a permanent solution like a tattoo, which can be a lovely way to cover up and celebrate a cessation of self harm, you can use products like Lucas paw paw cream, Bio Oil, Palmers Stretch Mark Cream or Hirudoid (I think it's called - it's really for hemmeroids -sp,) but it fades bruises and redness really nicely.

These are all Australian products, but I bet you can get them off eBay.

Also, I would never want to promote self harm, but I used to be a cutter and I understand the compulsion. Firstly, it is as addictive as any behaviour I have exposed myself to over the years and secondly, I hope you are getting some help because if you are self harming in visible places, you are calling out for help and attention.

If you really, really feel the urge to self harm and are doing it safely (e.g not requiring stitches) and with a sterile implement. I would recommend doing it somewhere that it is not going to be seen.