View Full Version : I need help!

06-06-2012, 03:27 PM
My name is Josh I'm 23 years old, I've been dealing with "anxiety" for about 4 months now.
It all started when my heart went into afib. Went to the ER and was told I drink too much energy drinks. 2 days later I started to get chest tightness and chest pains, I was scared I was having a heart attack so I went to the ER and they gave me ekgs, heart X-ray, blood tests. Everything came back normal! I dealt with chest pains for about 3 weeks. Then I started to get palps which also scared me, landed me into the ER again, blood tests, urine tests, and thyroid test came back normal "of course they would". They put me on a 24 hour heart monitor, which came back with some non life threatening electrical abnormalties. Palps lasted around a week then subsided. I then got a phone call from the hospital telling me I need to see a cardiologist ASAP for my irregularities on the monitor. I then had my first panic attack! I was driving and had this huge rush of adrenaline, I slammed on my brakes called 911 and took an ambulance ride to the hospital. More blood tests, EKG, everything normal! Couple days went by had a stress echocardiogram done. Doctor says my heart is great and the irregularities are perfectly normal for me.

Since then I've had headaches, more heart palps and flutters, leg pains, tingly sensations on the left side of body from my head to my groin area, all of witch subsided and left bringing a new symptom every week.

I was so tired of feeling this way I had my doctor proscribe me with anti depressants which are for what I am told are to help with GAD. She prescribed me with Paxil and Xanax. I took about 5 days of Paxil and stopped after it 10 folded my anxiety, made me unable to focus and a very confused state of mind. It literally took me a week and a half to feel better!

I've been off from Paxil for about 3 weeks but 3 days ago I started getting these weird headaches. It's almost like I'm lightheaded but not really. I sometimes get dizzy, a little nauseous. It's very hard to explain but sometimes I don't even feel pain in my head but I just feel down right funny but it's just in my head. I'm almost certain it's anxiety because all my other symptoms have gone away in a weeks time but this one really scares me! Has anyone ever fealty this way? Can tension headaches make you feel this way?

I apologize for the long explanation but for some reason knowing that someone else has gone through the same situation or symptoms makes me feel better. I keep thinking I have a brain tumor or something!!!

Any feed back would be appreciated thanks for taking time and helping me. God bless!!!

06-06-2012, 05:04 PM
I went through of all that and is no fun. I used go to ER so often that everybody knew me well there. The best way is to fight back. Quit caffeine ,sugar,salt, exercise, learn how to breath right and get some nice books. Whathever it is remember is not harmful.

06-06-2012, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the reply! I appreciate it!

06-06-2012, 10:00 PM
Hey. I agree, knowing that there are people that go through the same thing really, really, really comforts me too. What helps me is keeping myself busy. Even when there's nothing to do, I play a game like on the computer or my iPod or my wii. Just do something. Trust me, sitting in one spot just thinking about the things that are "wrong" with u won't help. I wish u the best :)

06-07-2012, 03:55 PM
Anyone else feel like this?

06-07-2012, 05:18 PM
I always feel something is wrong with me too!

06-07-2012, 10:24 PM
If I were you, I would no take any meds for depression or anxiety but I would focus on the heart issue until there is no issue anymore. I would ask about Atrial Fibrillation and find out exactly if the one you had can get worse, is life threatening or what? I would also find out what exactly what was meant by "I then got a phone call from the hospital telling me I need to see a cardiologist ASAP for my irregularities on the monitor. " What irregularity? I would want to know what this is: "24 hour heart monitor, which came back with some non life threatening electrical abnormalties."

I would go to an excellent cardiologist and get to the bottom of this and find out exactly what is going on. Then after I receive a clean bill of health and the doctor says nothing is harmful or life threatening and you can just forget about it, I would then treat the heart issues with various herbal supplements, and get as healthy as I can. If the cardiologist tells me no need to worry, then I would not worry about it again, even if the palpitations happen again.

I would also try and see if my symptoms were caused by anxiety or stress, and if so, then the root is anxiety and stress.

You feel dizzy and like shit because you are withdrawing from toxic addictive substances otherwise known as "medication". Don't worry about that. That won't last long.

But no matter what the case is, you are clearly anxious and you need to overcome this anxiety naturally from the various resources out there.

06-08-2012, 04:22 AM
My cardiologist already told me that my afib is nothing to worry about and the irregularities were normal for me! Thanks for replying!

06-08-2012, 04:41 AM
Oh josh what a horrible time you are having,i work in a hospital and i am not a doctor but atrial fib just sounds like as they told u to much enery drinks are not good they can effect the heart but dont worry about anything u have stopped taking the energy drinks now,you have had loads of heart tests so just think i am lucky,the only thing they shouldnt of phoned you up like that and worried you,my anxiety stems from my heart going fast and then i get the anxiety,i can feel mine banging every beat,i have had loads of tests but still think there is something up,

06-08-2012, 10:29 AM
Thanks for the support! Im almost over the whole heart situation...sometimes I get nervous when I can feel my pulse in my stomach...I still check my pulse time to time. But the hardest thing in dealing with now is this weird headache. It's hard getting up and going to work with a crazy headache thinking at any minute I could have an aneurism or a stroke or just keel over some how. I am definitely not the same guy I was 5 months ago! I used to be fearless...now I feel like I'm a big wussy that my wife has to take care of! I don't have a fear of dying, it's more like a fear of not living! If that makes sense...I know where I'm going when I die, but I want to be able to raise my child, have a 40 year wedding anniversary. Not being able to be there for the ones I love is my fear! Thanks and God bless!

06-09-2012, 12:58 PM
I know exactly what you mean by "fear of not living" my anxiety affects everyone around me. It's strained my marriage and I feel the only thing holding me together Is my 2 year old daughter! I went to counseling before with a clinical counselor and since my marriage is strained my husband and I started doing individual and couple counseling with a minister. Ive already picked up small changes in my attitude. If you have strong faith maybe reach out to somebody like that. I can tell it will take time but I/we are gonna work past all this! Best of luck!!

06-09-2012, 04:14 PM
Tnx missfox! I have just about the same situation with my wife. My anxiety has effected my wife as well and with her being pregnant I know isn't good for her to be in stressful situations! She had to stay at her parents a couple of days so she could get away from all of "it". It makes me feel terrible that this makes my relationship with my wife strained! I'm sorry you and your husband are going through a tough time, I'll pray for you! I'll pray that he comprehends the "through sickness and health" he promised and also that you would give compassion and respect to the man that has to "put up" with your anxiety! With all due respect I know it has to be hard for a spouse to deal with their loved ones going through anxiety! God bless!

06-09-2012, 04:58 PM
I know it's hard. It's hard for him to see somebody he fell in love with crippled with this stuff! Most days I'm not even the same person from one day to the next! I pray you get better soon and that your wife stays by your side every step of the way! Congrats on the baby!! God bless you and your family!

06-14-2012, 12:56 PM
Ok so this is going to sound crazy but here it goes.

About twenty minutes or so my weird headache/dizziness just out of nowhere disappeared. I feel good! But now I'm anxious because it went away...I know right! I think to myself "why did it just go away like that? Is there going to a huge catastrophic event like a stroke or an aneurism or something?" I know I should be happy it all of sudden went away but I fear maybe it's just my symptoms of "ms" or something just diminishing. Lol

This happen to anyone?

06-14-2012, 02:05 PM
Nvm I feel like poop again.....