View Full Version : Anxiety comes on during/before period

06-06-2012, 02:28 PM
I've recently picked up on the fact I appear to be a lot more anxious and sensitive/prone to have an anxiety attack while I'm going through my monthly cycle or sometimes a few days before, I'll get confused and wonder if I'm actually living my life, particularly at night.. Not so much in the day. Ive recieved anti depressants from my doctor but I am only 18 years of age and not particularly wanting to rely on drugs to "pick me up" I'm recieving help from my college counsellor and that is helping exceptionally, instead of not acknowledging my anxiety is present ill kind of "speak" to it and say hello anxiety how are you today and so on, me as a person, this has helped an awful amount! But now I'm coming up to my period I feel anxious and more prone to an anxiety attack. Can anyone else relate to this in any manner? So tired and stressed at the moment it's draining. Any comments back would be appreciated :)

06-06-2012, 02:52 PM
Im not a dr but it sounds like PMDD...google it and see if it sounds like your symptoms. You can see a gyno and see about taking BC to regulate your hormones and reduce your pre menstrual anxiety

06-06-2012, 03:12 PM
Wow just googled it! And it appears that most of them are my symptoms, thank you very much for your help!

06-06-2012, 03:57 PM
Great idea from hopeNfaith to get Birth Control. I was put on it to regulate my periods and help with PMS and it's a god send!

06-06-2012, 06:41 PM
Thank you very much the pair of you :) will book an appointment with my doctor ASAP regarding birth control

06-06-2012, 08:12 PM
I have the same issue and suggest tyrozine. It is a supplement available at GNC.

06-06-2012, 08:26 PM
I started Zoloft at 18 and I was hesitant about being on drugs for help. I worried about the long term side effects and my personality changing ( which doesn't happen at all). I have panic disorder and before during and after my period I'm depressed and anxious a lot more than normal. My doctor told me that anxiety and stress are a lot harder on your body that anti depressants would be which made me feel so much better. I know how I felt after having a panic attack, you can feel off for days and that can't be good for you. Sometimes medication is the best way to go. You can always stop when your ready ; with your doctors help of course :)

06-07-2012, 10:02 AM
I've recently picked up on the fact I appear to be a lot more anxious and sensitive/prone to have an anxiety attack while I'm going through my monthly cycle or sometimes a few days before, I'll get confused and wonder if I'm actually living my life, particularly at night.. Not so much in the day. Ive recieved anti depressants from my doctor but I am only 18 years of age and not particularly wanting to rely on drugs to "pick me up" I'm recieving help from my college counsellor and that is helping exceptionally, instead of not acknowledging my anxiety is present ill kind of "speak" to it and say hello anxiety how are you today and so on, me as a person, this has helped an awful amount! But now I'm coming up to my period I feel anxious and more prone to an anxiety attack. Can anyone else relate to this in any manner? So tired and stressed at the moment it's draining. Any comments back would be appreciated :)

Yes, I understand. My anxiety worsens near my period too. The symptoms magnify and it really frustrates me.

06-07-2012, 10:30 AM
Yes this happens to me too, it's almost like u can feel the Hormones if that mks sense? I get really anxious and irritable and feel panicked and detached then it's almost like it never happened just as my period is coming to an end. I have two weeks b4 period when I'm ok ish then I can feel the anxiety start to build. I've had a marina coil fitted which has eased it quite a bit. But I'm also on ad's.

07-26-2012, 02:36 PM
I have the same problem and its driving me nts. Ive gotten to the point with medication and therepy that pretty much the only time I still experience anxiety is right before (like a week) my period. I've been on the Pill for 8 years and t did seem to help all my PMS symptoms. I don't have an actual panic attack most of the time. Instead, I'm stuck with a whole day of tight throat, headache, crampy stomach, fuzzy headed, brink of tears edginess. It's almost as bad as just having an attack and it being over. Any suggestions to help?

07-26-2012, 05:37 PM
I think I might have the same issue as you have. I try to look for a good supplement that I would hope to cure it.