View Full Version : someone? anyone?

06-06-2012, 02:00 PM
im not new to anxiety. just more curious on the symtoms and the physical symtoms they leave behind.
i havent had an attack in a few months and low and behold. it krept on me a few days ago..started having heart palps and fast heart beat with heavy pounding.
it does frightin me even though i know its anxiety. just the WHAT IFS we all have .

for some reason it went from me eating and right after i ate i was stuck in the restroom.
to now not being able to use the restroom right. im not constapated but i dont go like i should be? hope it sounds ok?
but i do go a little.

ive been having leg pains or bruising feeling and was having lower back pain and burning but that has went away .
now im having bruising pain below my bottom area and its scaring me . i dont want to think negative but i do.

fearing i have colon cancer or something is wrong with me in that matter :(

right now my nerves are affecting me and i feel like im not here . cant explain that to well
i have the urge to use the restroom but cant and its bothering me . i dont like going to the er or doctors . ive had blood work done as well as a chest xray catscan
and urine test and many of time the er and doctor assure me im ok..

i just dont getbwhy i still have and feel weird sometimes even when im not having and attack..
Anyone have any advice ?

06-06-2012, 02:30 PM
You feel that way because your immediate reaction to what you may percieve is a threat, is to focus on your body for any physical symptoms. The more your focus the more you'll find things that you "think" are wrong, also the more dissassociated you feel to reality.

06-06-2012, 02:38 PM
If its a real worry (i.e effecting your life) then despite the fear you should see a doctor. I'm the same in that when I panic even though the logical side of me is telling me it okay I decide otherwise and decide I'm going to have a stroke or some other thing. It's better to try to breathe or meditate through the panic but if you are worried go to your doctor, to put your mind at ease if nothing else. The bathroom problem sounds a little like hem aroids but that's just being based off your description. My partner suffers in the bathroom when anxiety strikes. I myself get bad IBS if I've had anxiety for a longer period of time.