View Full Version : Tired/heavy legs

06-06-2012, 03:32 AM
I'm new to this anxiety stuff and it's been pretty bad :(

2-3 months ago my main worry was heart attack...because I felt fatigued, had palpitations, missed beats, difficulty breathing, had sweaty hands and feet, etc. About 6 weeks ago I had a full check up and the doctor assured me that my heart was fine. She prescribed me Xanax to take as needed to help with anxiety. Since then I've had almost no palpitations, missed beats, etc and I'm not worried about heart attack.

However, I have developed other symptoms that make me even more worried. These symptoms include numb fingers, kind of numb arms, heavy/tired legs which scare the hell out of me (MS fear). Biggest issue I have is a kind of numb/heavy/tired leg (mostly the left one). It's not really numb, but feels strange and like I would not be able to walk...however I can walk normally.

First time it was this bad was 2 weeks ago when I drove 4 hours to see my family and was really anxious...I couldn't sleep properly there...had stomach cramp and both legs were really heavy/tired. I though I would not be able to drive back...but actually I did.

Second time was yesterday. It started with a numb feeling on my arm/fingers and I got anxious...later during the day my left leg got kind of numb/heavy/tired and I though I would not be able to walk back at home (although I did). When I got home I also had a bad stomach. I didn't slept well, but when I woke up it felt OK for some minutes. Later I got the same feeling. I'm at work now and it feels numb/heavy/tired.

When I try to be rational, I think it must be anxiety because along with it I get the stomach issues and it gets worse when I'm anxious. However can't stop thinking that it may be MS :(

Update: I took a Xanax in the morning and have been feeling better now

06-06-2012, 08:24 AM
Anyone with similar symptoms???

06-06-2012, 08:51 AM
With anxiety it's really common to get tired, aching muscles. We spend so much time with our bodies tensed up that it's natural we will feel the burn- almost like a work out! My legs often ache after walking, standing for too long and driving as during these activities my leg muscles are tensed up. Once the muscles relax again they naturally feel sore. Anxiety manifests itself in so many different ways and displays a multitude of bizarre symptoms that can often be mistaken for other conditions/diseases. You doctor has ruled out other conditions so please trust her- she would not send you away saying it was anxiety if it wasn't.
Are you seeing anyone (psych/therapist) to discuss your fears about MS and also to get coping mechanisms and education about anxiety? If not then I think it would be very helpful for you.
Also try and give yourself a pat on the back for doing the things you didn't think you could- you managed the drive and the walk despite fearing the worst.

06-06-2012, 09:09 AM
Thank you Buttercup....today my legs are feeling better. Still a bit tired but the feeling of numbness/weak is not there anymore. Probably Xanax helped to calm down. Also I've read a few posts that even if I have MS is not the end of the World (one posters even said that it seems most people with MS have better lives than the ones with anxiety...)

06-06-2012, 12:04 PM
Hi there. I have had all of the symptoms you described and also am terrified of MS!! It is my biggest fear and I think my anxiety has manifested itself in ms symptoms. My gp is sure its all stress/anxiety related, and the sensible bit of me knows that the symptoms get worse when I am worried or anxious!! I think if it was a true neuro condition the symptoms wouldnt come and go the way they do, and wouldn't change from arm to leg etc as quickly as they do. I have been panicking about ms since nov last year and nothing has ever gotten worse in that time. The real battle is sorting out my head!!! :)

06-07-2012, 02:31 AM
Thank you moggie...it feels better when you know that there are other people with the same symptoms.

One of the things that I'm trying to convince myself that it's "only" anxiety it's the tired feeling. I would guess that in case of neuro problems you don't have that (can anyone confirm it? don't want to google). In case of anxiety you get the tired feeling because the muscles are tense all the time and because not enough oxygen is delivered (hyperventilation). Does it makes sense?

06-07-2012, 10:31 PM
All these peculiar weird symptoms I had just miraculously went away when I stopped being anxious.

06-08-2012, 02:44 AM
Thank you PanicCured....but it's so hard do convince yourself that "only" anxiety can give you these terrible feelings (like the leg isn't there...or that if you'll try to move, it will not respond :( )

06-08-2012, 04:59 AM
Exercise almost every day. Get the blood circulating.

06-08-2012, 08:54 AM
I also started the weak/fatigue feeling last September but I have it in my arms and shoulders. I did the google search and it says I have MS? I quit looking at have been trying really hard to take in deep breathes, chiro and no caffeine. My head starts to go in places that it shouldn't and I see myself becoming tense and I will make myself relax. I wonder if most of my tension is at night, has anyone awaken and had their fists cleached? It's hard for me to use my hands and arms at times I can't raise them above my head or hold them out in front of me for long periods of time and it scares me. I also started getting heat in my hands and feet as well when this all started. I wish it would all just go away...if I could only find my trigger?

06-08-2012, 10:31 AM
I wish it would all just go away...if I could only find my trigger?

Jen, have you seen a therapist/psych to explore what your triggers may be?

06-08-2012, 11:54 AM
No, I haven't. My friends are such sweethearts and they think that I need to see one. Heck, I think everyone should have one on speed dial! We live in a very small town with little towns around us and I don't see anyone that is qualified to treat my anxiety. I had one appt booked but backed out because of not feeling comfortable with the place. I also see myself thinking that it won't help and what are they going to find?? Crazy thoughts, right!? Things that I know is #1 Being alone now. Use to love to be alone but now I'm afraid of where my thoughts will lead me to...not suicide or anything like that but more what's wrong with me and what can I find out on the internet. #2 My daughters softball coach...she's a pitcher and her coach doesn't like her so we (my husband and I) need to deal with the emotional toll it takes on my daughter #3 the simple task of showering in my upstairs shower...bad memories bring on bad feelings...simple fix, shower downstairs, you would think I would do that but for some reason I find myself in the same place #4 conflict at work...we're self-employed and when there's a problem I feel it rush from the top of my head down my upper body. Today my feet and hands have the burning sensation and that could be the anxiety of tonights game already starting. Pain in my fingers. :(

03-09-2013, 03:14 PM
Hi Matrix123,

Did you ever figure out what this feeling is?? I have the SAME thing! I have always been anxious but have recently been experinceing panic attacks and again and this is one of my symptoms. I am just not sure if it is what brings the panic on or if it anxiety related. I am afraid of MS too!

03-09-2013, 09:15 PM
I have had this twice in a year... Its actually nervous exhaustion... I am in bed for a week now my legs feel like iron and i can barely stand its because your anxiety goes on too long and takes its toll on your body rest... Thats what to do rest as much as you can x

03-09-2013, 11:49 PM
I've had this, usually later in the day, I can just be walking around in the house and my legs feel really heavy, I think 'oh my god my legs are going to seize up and I won't be able to move, something is happening to my body!', but then it goes off and I'm fine again. Anxiety does weird things!!

03-10-2013, 07:12 AM
Yes always

08-09-2014, 01:57 AM
Hi Matrix, and welcome to the forum. I am quite new to this myself, so I know what you are experiencing. It is hard to understand and accept that such strong symptoms can be anxiety related, because they are so real. And sometimes they seem to come from nowhere - you do not have to feel very anxious when the symptoms come - it can be subconscious. I know how terrifying it is, believe me, as I am also struggling with health anxiety.

What drew me to your post was your feeling of heavy and tired legs. You fear MS, which I also used to for a very short period of time, but I found something else to be terrified of. Anyway, for a week I experienced the same feeling in my legs; they seemed to be heavier and easily fatigued, like I had to make a bigger effort to lift my feet off the ground. The more I thought about how to walk and not to stumble, the harder it became walking. I had to stop several times. I was so scared my legs were going to fail, because that is one of the main symptoms of the disease that I am so scared of. So I became anxious every time I had to get up walking, because I was sure I could not do it. So it became heavier and heavier due to this obsession. It was so weird. I tried telling myself that my body was just extremely tired after months and months of obsession with one disease, checking my body, flexing my muscles, and walking for 10 km EVERY day. But there was still a part of me, like you, that believed otherwise.

Now I have found a new symptom of this disease to focus on, so my legs are not heavy anymore. I can walk perfectly fine, and this is health anxiety in a nutshell. It gets better once you stop focusing on it. I hate that my brain has shifted focus to something else - why can't I just stop, period? But I guess I just have to accept it, and go through my whole body and analyzing it before it can go away. Just keep this in mind: if you are feeling better, just for a short period of time, it means that you do not have a serious disease.

I am happy to hear you are feeling better :)

08-09-2014, 04:26 AM
Whops, just realised that this thread is two years old :

Tifanie Ann Brummitt
08-12-2014, 11:35 PM
Whops, just realised that this thread is two years old :

New to this forum too. Crazy reading all this stuff that ive been going through. I have chronic anxiety and general fatigue about a year now, with heart palps. About a month ago, I got a numb feeling in my left arm which scared the crap out of me. From there things got worse. My vertigo and faint feelings got worse, while feeling like my whole body was very heavy and fatigued. Then it got worse, first with hot inside feet, then moved to my legs. I woke up with bad tremors with no fever. It kept on for days. I also have pains where my left arm connects and get sensations that feel like nerves shooting into my left breast. Sometimes my chest feels right or heavy for a while. When I do manage to fall asleep, my body jolts me awake. Even though I'm starting to feel a little better, my legs still feel kinda like jello, so I go slow. I had an mri few months back for the vertigo, so I'm assume it's not MS. I'm more worried about my heart than anything. I have not been able to live normal for over a year now. Counselor prescribed me anxiety meds but I refuse to take any medication if fear of it reacting. I'm a mess. I sleep sitting up because of the palps, and tonight they are annoying so I'm literally standing by my bed. I've basically ruined my kids summer with being sick.