View Full Version : Finally seeking help

06-06-2012, 12:27 AM
THis is my first time ever seeking advice about my problem. I started getting panic attacks this past winter. They started out with a random stomach ache or tiny ache somewhere on my body and next thing I new my whole body was tingly and I could hardly breathe. I was positive I was having a heart attack (at the age of 22). They come and go every few weeks and always at night when I'm in bed. As you all know, these can last for hours. Tonight, currently, my chest is tightening and my face is numb. In my head I am attributing it to an aneurysm.. Which is terrifying me an making my symptoms worsen. Is there anything I can do to make these stop? They make me fear for my life.

06-06-2012, 02:16 AM
My best advice is to get a thorough check up at a doctor, not from google lol. Get blood work done, etc to get cleared of everything. Once you know you are physically fine, the next step is to begin accepting that anxiety is causing these weird unpleassant sensations. Tell yourself "ugh...this is just anxiety. Its never killed anyone and itll pass. Just got to ride this BS out". It used to terrify me at first until i got familiar with it. Now im slowly getting better. Just the simple fact of time passing by and you seeing that youre still alive and werent having a heart attack or stroke a week ago when you were so sure you were dying is calming all in itself. Its something that youll find your own coping method for that is specific for you. I definitely recommend a therapist too.

06-06-2012, 08:14 AM
The most important thing to realize is that anxiety is CAUSING these symptoms.

As you get anxious, your body's fight-or-flight response is triggered- your nervous system thinks it has to prepare for a life or death situation (when really there is nothing).

This causes a HUGE variety of symptoms. Both of yours are easily explained. Your body is seeking to prepare for combat, so blood flow to the muscles increases so you might feel a little tension in your chest. Having a numb face in a fight would also be very helpful, as pain wouldn't stop you from fighting or running.

At your age, you simply aren't going to have a brain aneurysm or heart attack. NOT gonna happen. Any symptoms you have aren't anything bad, simply because you suffer from anxiety (which very commonly causes those symptoms).

Work on some self-talk skills. When you start to feel tight or other symptoms, and your brain starts to think "OMG I'm having a heart attack/aneurysm/cancer etc." come up with a list of things to repeat to yourself that you KNOW to be true.
- I am not ill or dying- every single one of these symptoms is a common result of feeling anxious.
- This is just my body's self defense system activating when it shouldn't- It can not hurt me. I am totally fine.

06-06-2012, 01:02 PM
Yep, see a GP and talk about your anxiety. Your scenario is a common one and there's help out there for sure. Alankay