View Full Version : My anxiety is stopping me from sleeping

06-05-2012, 06:35 PM
I have been suffering from anxiety for four years now. I did some CBT few years ago and went on some anti-depressants and it seemed to work. But for the past two months I have been struggling to sleep and its been getting so bad I dont want to go to bed. It seems when I get in bed and close my eyes all these negative thoughts come flying into my head and im terrified! My chest feels like its closing up and im on edge. Every little noise I heard I think is someone coming to kill me or something crazy like that! And I struggle to breathe. I end up having to talk to my mum (I still live at home seeing as im 16). I went to the doctors and they gave me some sleeping tablets but the anxiety attacks seem to over power them, so they become ineffective! I have been staying awake till it gets light out and then feel more relaxed and I can sleep.

Anyone have any advice on what I could do to calm down and sleep?

06-06-2012, 12:55 AM
Hi I usually play a game on my iPod to distract myself from the horrible thoughts. I play until I tired myself out and sometimes I wake up with the game running.
Good luck! You'll be ok

06-06-2012, 01:42 AM
Are you the kind of person who can fall asleep with the tv on? When I'm having a rough night I'll turn it on in hope that the noise will drown out my own thoughts. If you're experiencing a night where your house is extra loud and creeky, turn it on to drown out the noise. Put it on cartoons or something. Those are usually pretty safe.

06-06-2012, 03:20 AM
I have started listening to a stress and anxiety hypnosis cd on my iPod and it helps me most nights. It's definitely something to try!

06-06-2012, 10:07 AM
I have never had anxiety but my wife has on and off for years. Sleeping with the tv on is the one thing that has worked for her. We tried what seems like a million suggestions and our own ideas but that is the only thing that worked. She said that as a teenager she was the same way. Just keep trying one new thing at a time (that way you don't get confused and know which one works). You will find something that works for you, just don't give up. It may seem frustrating so finding someone to talk to (maybe some other than your mom) would help. Good Luck.

06-06-2012, 03:40 PM
Hi, I have a similar problem, I play angry birds on the iPhone when I get anxious before trying to sleep sometimes helps or just chatting on here helps take my mind off of it. I believe alot of anxieties are down to the person feeling all alone. Once you talk about the problem to someone or a online I find I can relax know I'm not alone :D

06-06-2012, 04:51 PM
I usually play angry birds but the best game that never get bored is spider solitaire, otherwise i will do some sudoku.

06-08-2012, 02:46 AM
I like to play only puzzle games.