View Full Version : Job and Anxiety

06-05-2012, 03:56 PM
I'm stuck at this job over the summer. I hate the job. But mostly I just hate living in a constant state of anxiety because of this job. I'm afraid of passing out(which I have done) from my anxiety while at my job and then losing said job. Constantly thinking about this is exhausting. The only thing I can tell myself to feel better is this job is temporary. I don't want to take medication because I am afraid of the side effects and I don't have the time to work those out while I'm here. Really just trying to get this off my chest because I feel like I'm going crazy thinking about this all the time. I feel like this is gonna last forever. Anyone else have career concerns because of their anxiety?

06-05-2012, 04:01 PM
Personally, I am at my best while at work. My mind is distracted, I am driven and focused.

If things start to get really bad, I would highly recommend medication. Antidepressants (the long term stuff) can cause side effects that can be a little rough, but at the VERY least I would recommend you get ahold of a benzo. These have little to no side effects, and if you feel a bad panic attack coming on (one so bad that you could lose your job), then take a small dose and you will be fine.

I was a bit nervous starting my new job, and a few days I would take .5mg of ativan (a very small dose) No side effects (except slight drowsiness, but nothing that bad) and I was INCREDIBLY relaxed. It would kill panic in under 20 minutes every time, and made work a breeze.

A small dose of something like this will eliminate bad panic attacks with almost certainly no side effects. There are also antidepressant options with less side effects- I started Lexapro while working and things were totally fine. The side effects are rarely, if ever, crippling. And boy when they kick in, your life is changed.

06-05-2012, 04:19 PM
Your not alone. I get very anxious at work. I own my own business and I'm a hairdresser. My fear is getting sick when I know I have lots off appointments in and would have to cancel them. The more I think of it the more I actually feel sick and feel symtoms. Which is alll anxiety. I know it's exhausting and depressing always having your mind racing on it. You can almost feel the stress built up in your shoulders and neck.

I figured that it was time to do something. So I've seen a councillor a fair few times. It helps to talk about every little thing and not be judged for it, however silly it may be. I also saw my doctor and have gone on some medication because I just need that extra help. Only on day 2 but keep in touch and I'll keep you updated.

Try and stop and breathe!

06-05-2012, 04:34 PM
bhamlazy- There have been a few times at work where I feel little to no anxiety(typically later in the day) and at these times I totally agree. I feel focused. Mostly though I feel my work is at odds with my anxiety. You've made me interested in maybe finding something(like the medicines you've suggested) to take when I am experiencing a panic attack. Maybe a small dose of something occasionally is what I need. The only questions I have is first, I have had a history of fainting. I've been trying to research anxiety-related fainting but most of the articles I read say it's rare to impossible because when you faint your blood pressure drops but when you're experiencing a panic attack you blood pressure rises. I'm wondering how the medications might effect this? My second question is, my work shifts are 10-12 hours long...how long would medicines like these typically work? Thank you so much for replying, you really have me thinking about the potential for medicine.

Danielle22- I'm going to school for business right now and one day would like to start my own business too! I've been thinking lately about how my anxiety and my running a business would work. I'm interested in seeing how things are going for you, so do please keep me updated!

06-05-2012, 05:44 PM
As far as benzos go, good luck getting a doc to give you those! They are awesome for anxiety attacks and high stress, however they can be extremely addictive and dangerous to get off of if not used in moderation. Don't let me scare you away from them, they are useful but they have to be respected, you don't just take them all the time only as small a dose as possible only when you really NEED it.

I would also not reccomend getting on am ad med unless you need it, I'm coming off one now and it sucks! You should look at breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, things like that since it is short term hopefully your issues will not continue beyond the time you are working this job.

May be a dumb question, but do you HAVE to do this job? Anyway you can just quit?

Serenity 7
06-05-2012, 05:52 PM
i have the same issue.i have been of my work for just over 5 months.with anxiety.and it terrifies me the thought of going back.which i dont understand.cos i have been there 15 years and i like my job.i had to take meds.cos i actually thought i was going mad.i had no side effects at all

06-05-2012, 06:08 PM
Thanks for letting me know the concerns with some of those medications. I'll def be researching to see what the best possible route is. I've been trying breathing techniques and different self-help solutions but it's been very hard. When I am not at work, I am pretty much fine (except for at night..I have trouble sleeping because I am thinking about the next work day). However, when I am work I am so anxious. I am hoping as the time continues here, I'll just become used to the routine.

And that's not a dumb question haha. If I could quit, I would do it this very moment. Unfortunately, quitting isn't that easy for me. I'm in the National Guard so I feel it's a lot more complicated than just quitting. As anxious as I am, I don't want to leave my co-workers down a member because then they will have to pick up the slack. I was originally very excited to come here and my anxiety had been pretty dormant for years. From the very first day though, my anxiety has come back stronger than ever. Once my enlistment is up, I plan on being done with the Guard. I also feel this added pressure because I'm afraid as a military member that my fellow members won't understand. I feel pretty stuck at the moment.

I love the military and what it has done for me however my anxiety and the military just don't mix so it's created these feelings of hate for my job :(

06-06-2012, 08:11 AM
Ok, I did not realize that you were in the guard, firstly thank you for your service. Secondly, I would reccomend speaking with one of their doctors, they have gained a huge understanding of mental health issues what with all the PTSD and so forth, if they know what's going on they may allow you to do something different, if that doesn't work go to your superior and explain the situation, request a transfer. They are not going to punish you or think any less, I'm sure that anyone there especially if they have seen combat will understand that sometimes you have issues that are beyond your control.

06-06-2012, 05:38 PM
Thanks for the support...I'm going to give it a bit more time before I seek help. I tend to be really stubborn and muscle my way through situations(I know this isn't probably the best idea). I'm hoping that once I get into a routine, I'll feel more comfortable and by that time I'll be done here. I'm done with this assignment August 20th. It's just been such a struggle trying to push my way through this but finding this forum and saying all this makes me feel better.

06-06-2012, 06:10 PM
Anyone else feel most anxious while at work? Or are you more comfortable at work? How do you deal with an anxiety attack while on the job? I'm learning to take mini-breaks and get some fresh air every so often to calm my nerves. Drinking water also helps to cool me down which seems to help me with my anxiety too.

06-07-2012, 03:38 AM
I LOVE my job. It's stressful and demanding as I am the youngest person in a leadership role, which means that I put a lot of pressure on myself to get everything right.

The stress of making targets and working with lots of people and managing a (less than ideal) team probably contributes to my anxiety in general, but I have learned to ride through the fleeting anxiety I may feel - which escalates to a tight chest, trouble breathing and swallowing and a dry mouth - but nothing more.

I have had to take some time off, mostly due to anticipatory anxiety after a bad panic attack on a weekend or a series of them whilst on holidays - Easter was a nightmare for me this year. I have only had to leave work once because of anxiety symptoms and I basically told myself that it isn't an acceptable solution to do it again.

Generally I find I operate much better at work than at home. I am busy, driven, ambitious and efficient. I also have some amazing colleagues who make me laugh so hard that my stomach can hurt at the end of the day. At home I'm kind of... Lost.

06-07-2012, 03:41 AM
Oh and things that help. I always have water, decaf tea, hot chocolate and a spare Valium on me. I sometimes get so engrossed that I forget to keep hydrated.

Taking a walk outside can be really beneficial too if things get too much. Basic distraction techniques help a lot too - start a conversation with someone, make a to do list and then complete it.

Good luck.