View Full Version : Anxiety on School Trips

06-05-2012, 09:07 AM

I'm 15 years old and I have had anxiety for as long as I remember. It got really bad in the last couple years, but I know how to cope with it in everyday life. However, my school has a LOT of overnight trips and those are by far the worst trigger for my anxiety.

I have missed the last 3 trips and have left one due to major anxiety/panic. Today, I was supposed to go on an overnight trip with school, but I couldn't do it. I said I was sick and Im going to stay home. I am feeling really guilty yet relived because i do know that I would not have enjoyed the trip anyway. But I know i am going to miss out on a lot.
This was the last trip that my school has because next year i am going to a new school (for high school) and they don't have overnight trips

Any reassurance that I did the right thing?

(Also, I just joined, and I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place)