View Full Version : Can anxiety diarrhoea be controlled????

06-05-2012, 07:48 AM
If such type diarrhoea be controlled then what is the solution plz plz plz help me

06-05-2012, 04:54 PM
Hiya, i suffer from this and the only solution there is, is that when your anxiety calms down so will your stomach. Try not to worry about your stomach otherwise you will get in a vicious circle. Ive now realised that my stomach is a trigger for my aniexty. Changing your diet can help. Eat plenty of fish high in omega 3, beans and pulses and try to avoid processed foods. I bought a book on amazon called food for moods and it has a section on what food to eat to help anxiety and it has really helped

06-06-2012, 11:04 PM
During the fight or flight response the body releases everything to lighten the load so you can run from the saber toothed tiger. The cure is following my quick guide to stopping panic attacks and doing other things to not get the fight or flight response to get activated. Hey, at least it's cleaning out your colon.

06-07-2012, 01:14 AM
Agree with the answers thus far... plus I'll add my two pennies worth:

The F-or-F response steers fresh, adrenalin fuelled blood toward vital organs (such as heart & lungs), i.e. the organs that you would rely heavily on during a F-or-F. Other, less vital organs (such as stomach) get left behind - hence they don't function quite as well, which in turn leads to runny poo-plops

(Having said that... I don't think I'd either fight a saber-tooth or run from it - either option would surely lead to death. I'd probably stand dead still... possibly sh*t myself so I don't smell so great as a potential meal. This may actually be a natural defense mechanism... i.e. make a stink? lol)

I assume you've tried anti-squits medication?

Incidentally, during my worst period of AD - I had a REALLY nasty bout of poo-poo plop plops. (Don't read on if you haven't already eaten)
Mine was in fact like French mustard... ANNDDDD it smelt fishy. Uugggghhhh... (possibly an infection)

Good luck in the runny bottom department. It'll go.