View Full Version : wierd feeling

06-05-2012, 03:06 AM
Im going through an awful time with my Anxiety , im miserable with it. I try to thin positive put it doesn't work like that. I have had a weight on my chest some times, i hat the tingling sensation i get in my left arm and some times i my legs and face , does it go? I worried about pain that move are round in my left arm it is so stressing me out I have had it for 6 days know. im so bad with gas , belching all time and im bloated. im so fed up just wishes it leave, any one can they help me. :(

06-05-2012, 03:47 AM
I assume you've been properly diagnosed with Anxiety disorder, yes? and that you've had a general doctors check up?

The reason I ask is because I don't want to go down the route of; "Ahhhh you'll be ok matey"... without knowing you've been properly checked first?

The symptoms you describe sound typical of AD, often mimicing that of an impending heart attack.
I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt... a hundred times... (maybe not 100... perhaps 30 or so)

Yes it goes, how quickly... nobody knows (oooh, that rhymed). You need to see a cognitive therapist - sooner rather than later.
They help in making you recognise & understand what you have, then help steer your thoughts in the right the direction.

You'd know if you were having a heart attack. You wouldn't be sitting here typing - that's for sure.

The arms pains... you say they move. Do you mean you get pains that occur all over the arm, at different intervals?

Describe the pain if you can? I'm betting they're like mild cramps... a kind of tugging sensation? not anything like an external pain - like you've just banged it on a table, etc.?

06-05-2012, 04:16 AM
Hey Dazza, ya went to hospital 2 months ago thinking I was having a heart attack and I wasn't, the doc took blood did hooked my heart up to a machine, I was perfectly healthy heart nothing showed up in my blood it was clear.I was told by 2 nurses I have anxiety. I am seeing a therapist but, what brought this anxiety on I think was that I didn't deal with my mam having cancer last . with the arm pain, it is one minuet one place near me elbow then it move to centre of my arm then to my shoulder and so on.Maybe a tugging sensation i don't no, it no extrem or bad pain. im so lost. :( Im 26 years old and I just feel my husband doesnt understand.

06-05-2012, 05:31 AM
You went a step further than me poppet... I never got to the hospital, despite being so close on a few occasions, lol
(Should have done really - if only to get some money's worth of all the national health insurance I've paid over the years)

It's good to hear you've had all the physical checks. That's a MAJOR step forward for you.
I'm sorry to hear about your mam. :(

Have those pains been explained to you?
If not, then briefly they're a combination of muscle tension (fuelled by excess adrenalin) and hyper-sensitive nerves, both as a result of being in an
alarmed state (the infamous "fight or flight" mode you've probably already heard of)

They shouldn't be too painful. They tend to be more annoying than anything.

Hmmmm... it's difficult trying to explain anxiety to someone who has no experience with it.
The unexperienced or virgins to anxiety have probably heard somewhere that "it's all in the mind", so they think you are either stupid / crazy / an idiot / a hypercondirac or ALL of the forementioned!
(They are also a little scared that you may actually be a mental nut-job, lol)

Of course, none of this is true. They will only realise this through education.

The best brief explanation I found was something like this:

Imagine you're about to have a car crash or being chased acrossed the plains by a hungry lion... IMAGINE the fear.

Now imagine what this fear will be doing to your mind & body.

The racing heart, the pumping adrenaline and so on.

THIS, my undeducated friends, is the ALARM state that my mind & body is frequently creating for NO appropriate reason.

It's called INNAPROPRIATE ANXIETY and it's very, VERY... REAL.

The "alarm" part of my brain has gone a little wobbly for the time being and it's causing these bad reactions. I am temporarily unable to rationalise.

I'll be OK... just gimme a little time.

06-05-2012, 06:08 AM
ya the pain in arm is so annoying , and the tingling i get .thank you for your comments you are ever so kind. i hope i can get through this.