View Full Version : I hate High School History class !

01-27-2007, 01:49 AM
Today was one of the worste days ever. Today, everyone in my History class had to get a definiton and look it up in our History books and write it on paper so we can study it in class. Well anyways, doesnt seem so bad now does it ? Well after that he goes around the whole class and makes you read it OUT LOUD. THATS LIKE THE WORST THING EVER. I did it but I think I blushed and my face got red. I even heard some girl say "Did you see his face got red ?" Why didnt "GOD" just make me normal ? Was it something I DID IN MY PAST LIFE that he made me like this ? WHO KNOWS ! Have you ever experienced something like this in front of the whole class.

01-27-2007, 08:39 AM

I remember doing this a heck of alot , too. You need to know this is so normal. Sometimes it depends on your age, too. Are you in a new school?

Anyways, what I could suggest is to just realize everyones eyes arent on you! I know for a fact that most of the students in your class are probably not even paying attention! Just situp straight, speak loud and confidently, and realize that everyone else has to read outloud, too.

Besides, everyone suffers from going red in their life. Its a normal bodily function if your embaressed. Just be confident and stop thinking everyone is focusing on every little detail of you. Your gonna be fine.


01-28-2007, 05:34 AM
Why dont you practice? I also hated reading out loud in class, its a confidence thing, but you CAN do this. Practice reading out loud at home, then when your with your family or friends get the local newspaper and read out your families star signs or pick a story you find interesting and read this to someone. It doesnt have to be a long story, it can just be a joke or a small article. Walk upto them with the news paper and say 'hey have you read this' and read them them story.

They dont need to know what your doing this for, you can disguise your learning as simply making convesation such as the above. In time youll soon see that you CAN do this.

Alls it takes is practice and believing in yourself.


01-29-2007, 03:56 AM
I dont blame you for being embarassed even now confident as I am I can sometimes go bright red when speaking in front of strangers. The good thing is in most of life this public speaking unless going into Politics etc is not required. Like the poster above says though the more you do it the less you will feel arkward and anxious. Remember nearly everyone else feels just as embarassed when having to do the same. And everyone goes red when feeling this way.
