View Full Version : uneasy

06-04-2012, 08:16 AM
About a year ago I made a new friend and all was or may still be well but I am anxious about the situation I am in.

My friend lost her job god knows how many years ago, and she keeps spending money on me ,she is single and first she was loaning money to me to help with medical costs and its like today she spent £130 odd on clothes for me ,paid for us to go on holiday.

Then we made a will and she is in charge of my will and I got life insurance and well although the will says my parents get my estate ,I am noy legal expert so I dont know if my friend could just keep the estate.

I feel very uneasy ,do friends really go out and spend 100's and 100's on each other?.

I dont know what to think. She may just be a good friend and I am over reacting or being a bad friend.

Iv never had a true friend, most of my friends used me and one scammed me so I find it hard to trust people.

06-04-2012, 03:08 PM
Sorry but i will be blunt here. Just by reading yr post that yr friend is to needy and wanting to buy yr friendship. It seens to much i have a few awesome pals and they just dint throw money around like yrs. As for wills and insurances keep it for yr family members to control so that yr wishes are met should anything happen to u. Take care and keep us posted

06-04-2012, 05:51 PM
I feel uneasy and I think I might destroy my will tomorrow.iv got a digital backup and will change it to say my parents are in charge and if not then my god mother.

The money thing makes me uneasy. It's like today I wanted to go to Sainsbury for cheap clothing but my friend suggested we go to debenhams and ended up spending over 100 on tops and dresses.